5 Spiritual Practices That Can Lead To Higher Self
One of the most important aspects of spirituality is awareness. Awareness of the self and awareness of the world around us – Once we become aware of the self and our environment – that is when the awareness of the higher self and the divine start occurring. In this blog, we discuss 5 practices that will help us develop higher self-awareness.
Compassion, just like charity, begins at home. When was the last time you treated yourself with compassion, kindness, love, and empathy? When was the last time you looked in the mirror and said I love you? This might sound absurd but just like we need to remind our partners that we love them, our soul needs a reminder too. So when you wake up tomorrow morning, look into the mirror and express compassion and your love towards yourself.
Stop complaining:
We all know that complaining leads to negative vibrations and the Universe gives us back everything we release into it. So we aren’t going to elaborate on that. What we will ask you to do is, go 24 hours without complaining. Time yourself. From the time you get up in the morning, set a timer, and every time you think of something you want to complain about, note it down and since it’s already in your mind, avoid saying it. Write it, scratch it and instead of it find something to be grateful about. Start with 24 hours and increase this to 2 days, then 3 days, and slowly, you will start seeing a new person in the mirror when you do your compassion practice.
Be Vulnerable:
So they didn’t call you back or the person you trusted turned out to be a dishonest or the deal you made didn’t go well and now you want to protect yourself against feeling hurt and you end up being cold and closed instead. How then, will you connect to the Mother Goddess for there is nothing but compassion, love, and vulnerability there? Now, this doesn’t mean you need to open yourself to people who mean harm, but as you become vulnerable, you give chance to your intuition to bloom and that will automatically protect you against harm.
Turn Inwards for Validation:
Seeking validation and approval from people has and will lead to only disappointment and lower self-esteem. Different people will have a different opinion of you and if you let other people’s judgments and perceptions define your self-worth, you will never recognize your true power. So list down your strengths and weaknesses, observe yourself in situations, and then accept your strengths and weaknesses and embrace them as an integral part of you. This will eventually help you turn your weaknesses into your strengths and give you a strong sense of self-worth.
Listen and Respond:
When you learn to listen and respond, you stop hearing and reacting. This also helps in building your intuition, your observance, and perception skills and gives you a better judgment along with a high ability to receive messages sent by the divine. Once you start conversing with the divine, you will know the whole truth of situations and people before you, giving you time to prepare yourself in advance.
We hope these tips help you build your intuition and self-awareness. Try them and tell us how you feel. For more information, write into us at info@chamundaswamiji.com
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