The power that never lies.
Trisha is a millennial girl. And just like other millennials, she was nurtured in a very modern way and so many times she used to hate the rituals of her grandmother. One day she decided to visit her grandmother’s village. She flew from the USA. After a long journey, she reached her grandmother’s house and she couldn’t wait and hit the hay.
But as usual, her grandmother stopped her at the door and did Drishti Kriya (aura cleansing) before she could enter the house. Her troubled mind could not stop but ask about the scientific basis of this. Grandmother explained to her about the energy that is reflected in an aura. She was stunned.
Yes, the aura is nothing but energy your body emits.
Everything is made up of atoms. Every atom has the energy and it can be derived from your consciousness. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by a person is reflected as an aura. Spiritually there are seven layers that are said to be found around the body resembling seven chakras of the body. These seven layers symbolize the seven subtle bodies.
Aura is of different color and is related to the body’s 7 chakras, and it consists of 7 different layers:
-Red color – Physical Layer
-Orange color – Sacral Layer
-Yellow color – Emotional Layer
-Green color – Astral Layer
-Blue color – Spiritual Layer
-Indigo color – Intuitional Layer
-White color – Absolute Layer
Swamiji advises his students that in a spiritual upliftment, it is necessary to cleanse the aura.
A better physical state is required for better mental salvation. We perform sanitization before any pooja or ritual. Similarly, having a pure aura is necessary for a spiritual person. In a spiritual sadhana, having a white aura is considered as best. But though it sounds easy, practically it can take some time. Having a white aura means that you can be protected from negative aura. So aura cleansing is a basic ritual for a spiritual sadhak.
Swamiji suggests the following ways to cleanse your aura.
Energy healing: Spiritual teachers and advisors may be able to help you find the source of energy imbalances and work to even them out.
Smudging: It is an ancient ritualistic tradition used to get rid of negative energy.
Fire bath: Just like we have a wind bath when we are in mountains, fire bath is an ancient way to treat negative energy fill your body with positive vibrant energy
Positive affirmation: It is like bathing yourself in positive thoughts to cleanse negative energy and allow you to focus on being fruitful
Meditation: Spending time focused on your emotional and mental health may make your aura more vibrant.
Controlled Breathing: The science of breath has a positive use. If we try and think that we are breathing in positive energy and exhaling negative energy, it may help you eliminate dark spots in your aural layers.
Yes. It is possible to change your aura over a period of time.
Everyone’s energy changes with thoughts, events, behavioral change, emotional change. Aura can also linger around you for a period of time. Maybe for a decade also. It can prevent us from enjoying a beautiful experience of a blissful and happy life. Sometimes it is a commonly observed fact that we get dragged into the past and it keeps damaging us. So it is important to have a cleansed aura.
But if you are stuck at home because of a condition like COVID-19, you can practice it at home also.
To practice it at home, the following methods can be useful:
– Use a suitable asana and keep your palms open
-.Close your eyes and take a deep breathe
– Focus on your body surrounding and try to see which aura you can see in the mirror around yourself
– Concentrate and keep focusing
– If you don’t see it for the first time, then keep concentrating and meditating. Raise your vibration
Aura can also read the person’s mental and spiritual being. It reflects the condition of the mental being of a person, physical and vital energy of a person. Swamiji also taught about how aura can be useful to read the thought process, emotional being, and nature of a person. Your emotions and experiences can have a life-changing impact on your aura.
But as Swamiji mentioned that, the aura is a reflection of our inner self. We should not just focus on aura but also try to look into the deeper aspect. Just scratching the surface can misguide you. We must develop a better understanding of another person by understanding his virtues. Every soul is the manifestation of the divine. That divine should be understood.
For a better understanding of the principle of aura and how to practice it and cleanse it, you can take advice on Swamiji. Try and connect with us at info@ChamundaSwamiji.com. We would be delighted to help you get through the process.
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