Balancing Your Praana | Part – 1
Remember the phrase ‘May The Force Be With You’ from Star Wars? The universal energy that resides inside of all of us is the life force that keeps us ticking. Through various methods like meditation and yoga, we can strengthen this force and unite with the universe thus becoming a part of the universal consciousness. This universal energy is manifested in us through different ways like breath. Similarly, it manifests in the body as ‘Praana.’
In this blog, we try to understand the meaning and significance of Praana and its different types.
Derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Praan’, Praana is made up of two root syllables. Prefix ‘Pra’ means Constant & ‘an’ means Movement. Hence it symbolizes the internal movement of the life force which is other than the air we breathe. It is not just the external factors but the internal being which also influences our inner vitality.
Praana is a Sanskrit word for “life force”. It is the most crucial and basic element of breath in the living body. You can feel it as a Shakti (force) that operates in the physical body and enables the body to accomplish its various functions.
Praana operates between the material and subtle bodies. If you want to walk downstairs or play a sport, you need some form of energy to be channelized into the body. In the same fashion, to channelize the energy inside the subtle body and organs of the body, we need the force of Praana energy.
Praana itself is pure and neutral. Praana flows from the body and is responsible for life in physical form while in the subtle form it is responsible for mental purification and awareness. Just like water from its source in the mountains is pure and clean, similarly, Praana helps to purify the mind and body which ultimately helps the person to become whole.
Types of Praana:
The seers identified five types of Praanas
1. Praana Vayu
2. Apana Vayu
3. Samana Vayu
4. Udana Vayu
5. Vyana Vayu
According to the Tantra tradition, this system of vital energy functions through five sub-energies called the Praana Vayu (Vayu means “wind or breath”). Each function has a distinct role, and each is integrated into the total system of human energy. If we understand the role of each Praana Vayu, we can grasp how the forces of Praana serve the whole person and how disturbances among the Praanas lead to illness and reduced quality of life.
Praana Vayu is the foremost pranic energy that supplies the human body with essential oxygen. Its energy flows from the nostrils to the level of the heart. The pathway of Praana Vayu flows in
an upward direction. Praana Vayu is also considered to lie at the Ajna chakra (Third Eye Chakra).
Functions of Praana Vayu
Clean air is responsible for good health and keeping away illness. It is considered helpful for the working of the respiratory system including the pumping of the heart, primary inhalation-exhalation process. Other than this, it also helps in swallowing & regurgitation food. It balances some physiological & psychological activities like eye-concentration, emotions & mental consistency.
The working area of Praana Vayu
It works in the region between the diaphragm to the throat. Although the seat of it (where it resides mainly) is the ‘Heart’.
Effects of Praana Vayu
You would not want an imbalance in the Praana Vayu and its functioning. Being a vital element, it can affect mental stability as well as physical wellbeing. An imbalance or blockage in Praana Vayu can lead to depression, low-feeling & heart-related problems.
-Way balance Praana Vayu
To balance the Praana Vayu one can practice the Mayur mudra or pranayama in which the chest region is involved majorly.
Apana Vayu flows to the opposite of Praana Vayu, i.e., in the downward direction. It is operated in the pelvic region between kidneys, bladder, excretory and reproductive organs. It is supposed to manifest higher energy centers in the body. In spiritual language, Apana Vayu is found to be in Muladhara Chakra.
Functions of Apana Vayu
It relates to the earth and so helps in energy balance. Yogi’s consider it to have the capacity to maintain stability and conscious activity within the mind. The mental function of Apana Vayu relates to anger, ego. Apana Vayu is also responsible for sexual stimulation, ejaculation & monthly menstrual cycle for women. The proper functioning of Apana Vayu is a vital sign of healthy reproductive and productive systems. For females, the smooth passage of this Vayu in the body can help in the proper delivery of the baby.
Working area of Praana Vayu
Various activity areas of Apana Vayu in the body are navel to the perineum, urinary system, reproductive system, kidneys & large intestine. The Apana Vayu governs the downward and outward flow of energy within our bodies. Located in the lower center of the body, this channel is responsible for the elimination of gas, wind, semen, urine, and ova.
Effects of Apana Vayu
Imbalance in the Apana Vayu can
lead to diabetes, Stomach related problems from poor elimination, Lazy & tiredness, Itching, depression & negativity. Diseases that affect the lower abdomen, intestines, kidneys, urinary tract, legs, etc., are the result of disturbed Apana Praana
Ways to balance Apana Vayu
Try to activate Muladhara Chakra. A well whirling Muladhara can help to channel the Apana Vayu in the body. To balance Apana Vayu, one should sit in the crossed leg position and focus on the poses which cultivate awareness near the tailbone area (Muladhara chakra). You can also try and meditate in the forward leg fold position.
Maintaining a balance between the Praana and Apana Vayu is crucial for a healthy and synergized mind and body. Don’t stress too much and don’t release too much. Just like with less food we are undernourished, we will remain undernourished of these pranic energies. Also, try not to hold too much in as toxicity may occur. We must find balance; allowing in new life energy with inhalation and releasing that which no longer serves us with exhalation.
To connect with your pranic energies Vayu, choose grounding, different meditation poses such as backward leg folds sitting. Focus on deep breathing and calm your mind.
In the next blog, we would explore more about the remaining types of Praanas. Till then, try to focus on these Praanas. Have a glance at our website. For any queries and questions, please contact us on the number given on our website. You can also connect us via our Facebook and Instagram pages. Be a part of this blissful spiritual journey.
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