Balancing your Praana (Life Force) -II
The Universal Energy or Force resides and manifests in all of us in different ways. Traditionally known as Praana, this energy has five basic types and we discover all of them in this two-part series.
In the previous blog, we discovered the functions, effects and ways to balance Praana and Apana Vayu. This week, we discover the same for Samana, Udana and Vayana Vayu. To understand this blog better, please refer to the first part here – https://www.chamundaswamiji.com/balancing-your-praana/
Samana Vayu
Samana Vayu moves towards the centre in a churning motion. Concentrated around the navel, it is responsible for digestion on all levels, including the person’s mind. Digestion, absorption and assimilation are the three processes the Samana Vayu is associated with.
When the Samana Vayu in our body is unrestricted and healthy, we enjoy vitality, strong digestion and balance on all levels. A weak Samana Vayu however leads to struggle in digesting and assimilating both physical and mental food and experiences.
Functions of the Samana Vayu –
The main functions of Samana Vayu are Anna Grihnati (entry of food), Annam Pachati (digestion of food), Annam Vivechayati (bifurcation and segregation of food) and Annam Munchati (pushing the wastes in downward direction). While Apana Vayu helps in the main excretion, Samana Vayu helps in preparing the waste and holding it until it is expelled.
There are also some minor functions of the Samana Vayu which we will discuss at a later time. Let us now look at how we can balance the Samana Vayu.
Balancing the Samana Vayu
For balancing the Samana Vayu, you can try the following techniques –
- Throughout the day while you breathe, while exhaling focus on doing it with you abdominal contracted
- Hold your breath after exhaling
- Consume quality healthy food and practice healthy fasting
- Practice Kapalbhati to stimulate the digestive fire. Kapalbhati is a breathing exercise that rids the body of toxins.
- Samana Breath – Imagine pulling the energy in toward your belly EX: Contract the abdomen, imagine the energy becoming more concentrated; hold contraction for a moment
Udana Vayu
Responsible for growth, Udana Vayu moves upwards and is a result of the other Vayus working properly and in sync. Our abilities to stand, speak, effort, enthusiasm and will are all governed by Udana Vayu. Concentrated near the diaphragm and throat, the Udana Vayu is also responsible for certain respiratory functions, speech, and mental functioning. Imbalances may lead to breathing disorders, asthma, emphysema, stuttering, voice hoarseness, depression, poor memory, lack of creativity, direction or goals.
Let us learn how to balance the Udana Vayu through simple techniques.
Balancing the Udana Vayu –
- While exhaling breath, focus on breathing out with your diaphragm.
- Breathe in through the mouth, with attention at the throat chakra and while exhaling, Chant OM)
- Meditate on your Throat Chakra
- Work with all the other Vayus.
Vyana Vayu
Responsible for distribution, Vyana Vayu moves outward in a circular, pulsating motion. It is located in the heart and lungs and is involved in cardiac activity, circulation, and voluntary nervous system. When the Vyana Vayu isn’t balanced, it leads to poor blood circulation, blocked arteries, heart attack, edema, peripheral neuropathy and symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
Balancing the Vyana Vayu
Here are some simple techniques to benefit and balance the Vyana Vayu –
- Focus on inhalation and expansion
- Hold your breaths after inhaling them
- Vyana Breath (Place the hands on your chest. While inhaling, bring your arms out, expanding from the centre out into the periphery, filling up the lungs; hold 2 seconds; while exhaling place the hands back on your chest. Keep your focus at the heart centre)
- Work on your Heart Chakra
- Do activities that bring you joy
We hope this blog series helped you understand your Praana Vayus better and learn how to balance them. Feel free to write to us at info@chamundaswamiji.com in case of any doubts of queries.
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