Blue Moon Magic: The Mystery, The Spirituality and the Rituals
Once in a Blue Moon is a phrase used by people for over centuries. The meaning implies something that happens extremely rarely. So what is so rare about the blue moon? It is the second full moon in the same month. Usually, a month consists of a new moon and a full moon. Both singular events. But when there are two full moons in a month, the second one is called a Blue Moon due to its rarity in occurrence and hence the saying. In this blog, we discover the mystery behind Blue Moons, their spiritual significance and rituals you can perform in order to harness a Blue Moon’s energy, and manifest your dream life.
What’s the Mysterious History?
Historically, in 1883 an Indonesian Volcano, named Krakatoa exploded and sent plumes of ash clouds into the sky. These clouds contained particles of just the right size to scatter away red light. This caused the Moon to appear blue. An extremely rare event and according to some sources, the origin of the phase.
The Occurrence
Typically, we observe 12 Full Moons annually, with three occurring in each four-season cycle. Given that each Full Moon is spaced approximately 29.5 days apart, it takes 354 days for the Moon to go through all 12 phases. The remaining days accumulate over time, leading to an occasional phenomenon where, once every two and a half years, a calendar year hosts 13 Full Moons. This additional Full Moon is a rare occurrence and has been dubbed a Blue Moon. The moon doesn’t actually appear Blue though :).
Why Is It Important To Us?
The Moon is directly associated with people’s mental health, emotions and spiritual growth. Both men and women feel a shift in their emotional and spiritual health when a full moon or new moon is close and most women also report their menstruation cycles to be in sync with the moon phases. Needless to say, the moon affects more areas of our lives than we realize.
In light of this, when discussing phenomena such as a blue moon or a super moon, the infrequent occurrence and cosmic alignments at the time turn it into a potent gateway for manifesting and releasing aspects in our lives. To harness this power effectively, it is crucial to understand the proper methods, discover suitable rituals, comprehend the dynamics of creation and destruction, and learn how to leverage this auspicious period for personal advantage. Let’s delve into these aspects in a comprehensive discussion.
What Rituals Can We Perform on a Blue Moon?
Manifestation Rituals
Very powerful time to create and welcome positive experiences, people, situations and places in our lives. On a Blue Moon, one can wish for anything they want and with the cosmic energies and power in alignment, the manifestation part becomes that much easier. Here are some simple rituals you can perform on a Blue Moon to fulfill your intentions –
Gratitude Journal
Make a gratitude journal and start writing in it three things you are grateful for everyday. It can be as simple as being able to brush your teeth or having enough hot water to shower, to things like being able to take that amazing trip or having the job you love. Make sure these are present things that you already have. Three is the minimum number here, you can write as many things as you like and don’t worry about repetition. You can be grateful for the same thing everyday. Also, with every new day, ensure you keep adding to it, trust me, the more you write in your gratitude journal everyday, the more things you will keep getting to be grateful for. After one month, open your journal and see all the things that manifested for you.
Jim Carrey famously said – “You can’t just visualize and then go eat a sandwich”. One has to act upon it. So during a full moon, self-reflection becomes very important. Sure you have all these desires, sure you want to manifest them and sure you have visualized them. But what are you doing about them? What actions have you taken to bring them to reality? More importantly, which part(s) of your personality are stopping you from getting exactly what you want? Is it a doubt? Is it low-self-esteem? Is it jealousy? Is it anger? Is it the inability to move on from the past? Self-reflection will help you figure out these challenges and clear them out so you can focus on your intentions. Journaling and writing down everything you feel helps in this process as well. Just ensure you make a separate journal for gratitude and a separate one for self-reflection :).
Connect with Mother Earth
It can be as simple as spending some time in the woods, going for long walks in a park, lying on the grass, walking barefoot on grass, doing some gardening, or taking a pottery class. Do something that involves direct contact with the earth. If you can’t do any of the above, try holding crystals or semi-precious stones. They come from mother earth too and are a great way to connect with Her. Connecting with nature helps us become grounded, get in touch with reality and feel connected to the self. This in turn helps us understand the actionables and start working towards them, bringing our intentions to reality. Remember, all our intentions and desires are already fulfilled and everything is happening at the same time in the universe, we just need to get in touch with the reality where it is happening. Connecting with Mother Earth helps us get there.
Whenever setting an intention, always remember to keep the greater good in mind. For e.g., if you wish for a hundred thousand dollars, include the universe in it by saying “how can I use hundred thousand dollars for the greater good”? Soon enough, not only will you be blessed with the amount, but also a noble way to utilize it. Now, some people might say that they want a luxury car and how can they use it for the greater good? Well, then you set the intention for the car, but also figure a solution for helping those who can’t drive, or for those who can’t afford a car. This way, the universe is more than willing to fulfill your intentions because you are willing to help.
We hope this blog helps you understand the significance of a Blue Moon and the ways in which you can utilize its magic. Even though plenty of literature is available on Blue Moon manifestations, it is highly recommended that one learn these methods under the supervision of a Guru or an expert. Everyone has unique spirituality, personality, and experiences. One solution cannot fit all. Therefore, seeking guidance from spiritual experts is imperative to get that unique mantra, meditation, and spiritual method crafted exclusively for you for the spiritual awakening you seek. And hence, we recommend you practice these interpretations and practices mentioned above under the guidance of an expert.
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