Breaking Barriers with Namaste
It was the time when everyone was keeping a safe distance from each other. Forget about the warm hugs or kisses on the cheeks; everyone was afraid to even ask for a simple handshake to greet each other. During those difficult and uncertain covid times, the prime minister of Israel urged his country to adopt the Indian style of greeting – Namaste, and suddenly, the word arrived on the global platform.
From politicians to celebrities, everyone adopted this contactless form of greeting each other. But Namaste is much more than that. The gesture encompasses the seven thousand old traditions, civilization, and welcoming attitude of billions of people on the planet. Here’s everything you need to know about this widely used but often misunderstood term.
Let’s begin.
History of Namaste
The word “Namaste” has its roots in Hinduism and is derived from the Sanskrit language. The exact origin of the word is not entirely clear, but it is believed to have emerged thousands of years ago during the Vedic period in India.
The Indus Valley Civilization (now known as Saraswati Valley Civilization) was one of the earliest urban civilizations in the world, dating back to the 3rd millennium BCE. It was located in the region that is now Pakistan and northwest India and is known for its impressive achievements in urban planning, trade, and culture.
Archaeological evidence from the Harappan sites, such as the seals and pottery, depict human figures in various postures, including the Namaste gesture. Some scholars believe that the gesture may have been an early form of greeting or a symbol of respect in the Harappan culture.
While the exact meaning and significance of the gesture in the Harappan Civilization are not clear, it is clear that the practice of using this gesture has been a part of Indian culture for thousands of years and continues to be an important aspect of Indian customs and traditions today.
Meaning of Namaste
The word “Namaste” comes from the Sanskrit language and is composed of two words: “Namah,” which means “bow” or “obeisance,” and “Te,” which means “to you.” So, the word “Namaste” can be translated to mean “I bow to you” or “I offer my respects to you.”
In Sanatana culture, “Namaste” is not only used as a greeting but also as a way of expressing gratitude, offering blessings, and acknowledging the divine spark within each person. It is often accompanied by a gesture known as “Anjali Mudra,” where the hands are placed together in a prayer position at the heart center.
“Namaste” is a traditional Sanatana greeting that is also used in other cultures. It is typically spoken with a slight bow and hands pressed together in front of the chest as a gesture of respect and greeting. Namaste is a common greeting in many South Asian countries. It is often used as a sign of respect and acknowledgment when greeting someone, breaking the boundaries of age, social status, financial status, or religion.
Namaskar and Namaste; Are they the same?
In terms of the physical gesture, both “Namaskar” and “Namaste” involve placing the hands together in front of the chest, with the fingers pointing upwards and the thumbs touching the chest. However, the difference lies in the depth of the bow – “Namaskar” typically involves a deeper bow of the head, while “Namaste” is often accompanied by a slight nod or bow.
“Namaskar” is a more formal and traditional greeting, and it is typically used to show respect to someone who is older or holds a higher social status. It is also used in more formal settings, such as during religious ceremonies or official meetings.
On the other hand, “Namaste” is a more informal greeting and is used in a variety of settings, from casual social interactions to more formal situations. It is often used as a sign of respect and acknowledgment when greeting someone, and it is also commonly used as a farewell or a way of expressing gratitude.
Namaste and Anjali Mudra
Namaste, or the Anjali mudra, a hand gesture commonly used in yoga and other spiritual practices, is believed to have an impact on the chakras, the energy centers in the subtle body, according to traditional Indian medicine and philosophy.
In particular, the Anjali mudra is often associated with the heart chakra, which is located in the center of the chest and is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance. By pressing the palms of the hands together in front of the heart, the Anjali mudra is said to stimulate and activate the heart chakra, promoting feelings of love and connection with others, as well as self-love and acceptance.
Furthermore, the act of bringing the hands together in the Anjali mudra is believed to promote balance and harmony throughout the chakra system, as this gesture is thought to create a circuit of energy that flows through the body and connects the individual with the divine. This can help to bring the chakras into alignment and promote overall health and well-being.
Spiritual Significance of Namaste
-It symbolizes the recognition of the divine spark within each individual, as well as the interconnectedness of all things.
-It’s a brilliant way of expressing mindfulness, gratitude, and respect.
-The Dvaita, or duality found in our world, is symbolized by the two hands, representing pairs of opposites. By uniting them, you are awakening the Advaita. You bring together your mind and body, body and soul, soul and the Divine, Nature, and Self, attraction and aversion, and all the dualities of your mind in a gesture of devotion to God.
– When you bring your hands together in front of God, you merge the God (Brahman) in front of you with the deity (Atman) in your heart. Simultaneously, this act of joining your hands not only pays homage to the Supreme Being in front of you but also acknowledges the presence of the deity (Self) within you.
Overall, “Namaste” is a word that conveys a sense of connection, unity, and mutual respect between individuals.
Even though there is plenty of literature available on spiritual practices, it is highly recommended that one learn these methods under the supervision of a Guru. Everyone has unique spirituality, personality, and experiences. One solution cannot fit all, and therefore it is imperative to seek guidance from spiritual experts to get that unique mantra, meditation, and spiritual method crafted exclusively for you. And hence, we recommend you practice these practices mentioned above under the guidance of an expert.
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