- Motivational
What Is Shoonya Meditation? – A Guide

Discover the profound benefits of Shoonya Meditation in finding a moment of peace amidst the constan...
Mysteries Unveiled: Four Secrets About Mahadev Lord Shiva

Mahadev, also known as Lord Shiva, is one of the most revered and worshiped deities in the Sanatana ...
Why Should We Chant the Divine Name in KaliYuga?

The world has changed a lot since the beginning of time. Many Yugas (ages) have passed by, and each ...
Understanding Shakti Kriya and its Benefits

Shakti kriya is a powerful Tantra meditation technique that combines yoga, pranayama, mantra chantin...
Dealing with Painful Memories

Memory has a significant influence on our life. Experiences and their interpretation create memories...
How to get Motivated when Depressed?

It’s said that every leaf from the tree is different, and so is every snowflake. Same as that,...
Comparison: A switch for self-destruction

Would you rather be the world’s most extraordinary human being, but have everyone think you...
Four Key Traits of Spiritually Inclined Individuals

Spirituality is a way of life in which a person realizes the presence of energy, consciousness, and ...
Freedom from Conformity

Conformity is nothing but giving in to the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, and ways of oneself, our fam...
5 Spiritual Practices That Can Lead To Higher Self

One of the most important aspects of spirituality is awareness. Awareness of the self and awareness ...