Common Sanskrit Words Every Seeker Should Know
Learning a new language opens the new portals of the entire civilization and culture. As many Indians are learning foreign languages more than ever, many schools in Europe have made Sanskrit an optional language in their curriculum.
Almost 2400 years ago, ancient scholar Paganini wrote a rule book for Sanskrit grammar, including more than four thousand different rules. These rules possess keen similarities with modern-day syntaxes, and this iron-clad structure of that language makes Sanskrit the best language for coding. But apart from coding, understanding this ancient language has its benefits.
Whether you just have joined a Yoga class or are an experienced meditation student, understanding Sanskrit can help you gain deeper insights into your Yoga poses and understand the Mantras you are chanting. Suppose you are looking forward to taking your Yoga, Meditation, and Mantra chanting practice to the next level. In that case, you should be familiar with these basic Sanskrit terminologies, and in this blog, we will be looking at them.
Ahimsa: Even though often it gets translated as non-violence, the true essence of Ahimsa is non-harm. Ahimsa should reflect in our actions, reactions, and as well as in our thoughts. It means avoiding anyone, not only physically but also by words and ideas.
Ananda: Even though Ananda is often used in joy, fun, bliss, it doesn’t capture its true essence. The true meaning of Ananda is a combination of peace, harmony, and tranquillity arising from the Samadhi.
Asana: Asana means body posture, and it’s usually related to meditation pose. In Ashtanga yoga, written by Patanjali, Asana is the third limb in the Eight Limbs of Yoga which translates to Asana. These Asanas encourage us to strengthen our weak areas.
Ashtanga: Ashtanga is a combination of Ashta (eight) and Anga (limbs). Patanjali describes these eight limbs as Yamas (abstinences), Niyama (observances), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing), Pratyahara (withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (absorption).
Ayurveda: Ayush means life, and Veda is knowledge. The Sanskrit meaning of Ayurveda is Knowledge of life. It’s not just about naturopathy, but this branch concentrates on complete wellness, creating harmony between the physical and spiritual worlds.
Chitta: Modern spirituality gives utmost importance to mindfulness. Chitta means a state of mind. While explaining the most valuable function of Yoga, Patanjali says, ‘Yogas Vritti Chitta Nirodha.’ This means Yoga neutralizes Chitta rather than destroying it.
Guru: In simple terms, Guru means teacher. But there lies a fundamental difference between a Guru and a teacher. The teacher teaches us about the external world. On the other hand, a Guru introduces us to ourselves by aiding us to explore the reality of inner being, thus changing our lives completely.
Japa: Japa translates to chanting or uttering in low or no voice. Japa is a combination of two words, Ja (which means destroying the endless cycle of death and rebirth) and Pa (which means destroying one’s sins).
Kundalini: Kundalini is a Sanskrit word, which means circular or annular. Kundalini is Divine energy located at the base of the spine. When awakened through Tantra, Mantra, Yantra, Meditation, and Yoga, Kundalini leads to spiritual liberation.
Mantra: Mantra is one of the most important aspects of Tantra. Mantra is a letter, grouping of specific words, a sound that resonates the universal powers. Mantras have a tremendous potential to strengthen the seeker’s mind. In Tantra practice, Mantra is considered a sacred formula, and only after the proper initiation shall it be practiced.
Mudra: Mudra means a symbolic gesture or hand gesture. Sometimes, a Mudra is a hand gesture, and sometimes, it could be a body posture. Specific Mantra or specific Sadhana calls for a particular Mudra, as it’s believed to regulate the universal energy through us by operating particular channels.
Namaste: Perhaps the most common expression known to the non-Hindu world, Namaste is touching palms together at the center of the chest or the place between two eyebrows. Hinduism believes that everyone has the Divine residing within themselves. By doing Namaste, we acknowledge and bow down to the Divine that is lying within the person next to us.
Om: Om is the sacred sound of the universe, signifying the ultimate reality. It is considered as the symbol of the supreme consciousness. There is no ritual in Sanatana, which does not begin with Aum.
Prana: Prana is force; prana is life itself. It’s a vital energy that lies in every living being. Being the essential aspect of existence, Yoga, Pranayama and meditation strengthen the life force energy –Prana.
Pranayama: Prana means the life force, and Yama means to control. Pranayama is the most important aspect of Yoga, which means the practice of breath regulation. Regular practice of Pranayama strengthens the connection between your body and mind.
Samadhi: Samadhi is a combination of two words. Sama means equanimous, and Dhi means intellect. It’s the highest level of consciousness a seeker can achieve through meditation and Yoga while still being bound with the body. Samadhi unites the mind, body, and soul with the highest reality.
Shakti: As per Tantra, Shakti is the ultimate power, the Divine feminine energy of creation. It’s the primordial cosmic energy that flows through the universe. It encompasses the power of creation, nurturing, and the destruction of all the universe. She is also known as Adi Shakti or Adi Para Shakti.
Sutra: Sutra means thread. In a broader perspective, Sutra is a thread of spiritual teaching within the fabric of Dharma. It can also be taken as a rule to perform certain things.
Viveka: Viveka translates to discernment, but it does not essentially capture the essence of the word. In a spiritual sense, Viveka is the ability to differentiate between real and unreal, temporary and permanent, self and non-self, non-essential and crucial, and pleasure and bliss.
Yantra: Yantra roughly translates to machinery. Spiritually speaking, Yantra is a complex geometrical diagram specifically designed to invoke spiritual awakening. Yantra is a key to redirect and channelize the universal energies towards us. Yantras are associated with specific Divine entities.
Yoga: Yoga originated from the Sanskrit word Yuj, which means to join or to unite. It’s a process of joining the individual consciousness with the Divine consciousness. It’s a process that connects us with the Supreme Self within.
We hope this blog helped you to understand a few basic spiritual terms that we often encounter as spiritual practitioners.
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