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    Can Feminine Energy Be Dark ?

    What comes to your mind when you hear the word dark? Something negative, complex, devoid of light, hope, warmth, and happiness. This is unfortunate because the dark feminine energy is anything but weak and worthless. It’s an incredibly powerful force that can help you heal, shape-shift into your best version, and grow into something more than you ever imagined possible. Dark feminine energy lies at the root of existence itself, and in this blog, we will try to understand this life-transforming energy and how we can harness it.

    Darkness and the creation

     Whenever a seed is planted in the deep soil, it spends its time in the darkness. Mothers carry their babies inside their wombs for nine months, nurturing them in the darkness. At the beginning of the universe itself, there was darkness. 

    Approximately 26 percent of the total energy in our universe is dark energy, which is accelerating its expansion. Seventy percent of the entire universe is believed to be dark matter. Hence, it would be safe to say that the darkness is the life-dwelling force, the platform provided to that celestial energy that creates and destroys. It is the energy of transformation: birth, death, and rebirth, with the divine feminine at its root.

    Understanding the dark feminine

     Whenever you imagine the divine feminine, you imagine mother Merry, Maa Durga, or Divine Mother Lakshmi, who are personifications of nurturing, purity, empathy, warmth, forgiveness, grace, compassion, etc. All these qualities are considered feminine traits. But this is just the half side of the Divine feminine. When you see someone like Maa Kali, who is the most fierce form of Maa Durga, you get the feeling of chaos, passion, fierce, unforgiving, authentic, and unstoppable raw force of nature. This site represents the other half of the Divine feminine

    The dark feminine is the energy that encompasses the power of chaotic creation, nurture, and destruction. It represents the never-ending cycle of death and birth, the ongoing cycle of constant transformation, seduction, and compassion. Spiritually speaking, it is the path toward merging with the universal powers. This energy is both terrifying and deeply loving. The dark feminine is a powerful force. It’s also not inherently bad; it’s just different from the dominant narrative of what it means to be spiritual. Cultivating a relationship with your dark feminine side is healing and transformative.

    Signs that say you might have lost touch with your dark feminine energy.

    Progress is all about balance, may it be in the materialistic or may it be in the spiritual realm. When your masculine and feminine energies are uncomplimentary to each other, it might destroy your spiritual progress. Not only that, but when you suppress your dark feminine energies to bring in your brighter feminine side, it also tilts the balance. Here are a few signs indicating that you might have suppressed your dark feminine energies. 

    -It might be harder for you to express your emotions, and you often neglect self-care, and you truly believe that cultivating beauty is shallow. You feel very disconnected from your body. 

     -Neither have you truly believed that you are not a creative person, nor do you see creativity as a strength. You have been surrounded by tons of insecurities

      -You feel powerful only while experiencing masculine behaviour, and you always have that compulsive need to be productive all the time. 

     -You are ashamed or disconnected from your true sexuality, and you struggle with what you truly want in your romantic relationships. You have lost touch with your sensuality. 

     -You have a compulsive need to impress the person in front of you, you often attract toxic personalities towards you, and you seriously lack a firm set of boundaries. You do not have many friends of the opposite sex. 

     – You lack joy and feel drained and exhausted all the time, suppressing your emotions and wild side. 

    These are all the symptoms that point towards the suppressed dark feminine energy within you. You may not have all the signs, but if you have ticked a few of them, you might be suppressing the dark feminine deep within you. Now, it’s time to do some unblocking!!!

    Tapping into the Dark feminine energy

     -Being confident is the first step for tapping into your dark feminine side. You must see your unlimited potential and should stop holding yourself back. 

     -Next is to be kind to yourself and others. 

     -Set up the boundaries. Learning when and how to say no goes a long way to setting your boundaries with others and maintaining self-respect. 

     -Be an authentic version of yourself. You should not compare your life with others and should be your best version instead of following the shallow trends on social media. 

     -Letting things go. Insults, negativities, bad memories. All these things are meant to be let go instead of held on to them. Utilising the dark feminine means better control of your present and future instead of dwelling on the past. 

     -Energy conservation. You should avoid overthinking. If you can’t fix something, you better leave it to take its own course. The second way of conserving your internal energy is to stay out of the useless drama. If it’s not related to you or the people close to you, you can leave it alone. 

     -Focusing on yourself. Focus on learning. Read, learn a new language, a new useful skill. Surround yourself with the people who respect, encourage, and elevate you. Do not postpone investing in yourself, may it be time, energy, money, or emotions. You definitely are worthy of it. 

     -Be synchronised with your body and with your emotions. If you feel like dancing, then dance. Feel like crying? Go ahead. Do not shun these emotions. Keeping your thoughts transparent, you can note down your thoughts, emotions, and feelings in the journal. Treat your brain to a great book instead of binge-watching. 

    Meditation with Maa Kali. 

     Kali’s name means black. She is sometimes depicted as a woman wearing a garland of skulls, has four arms holding two swords, a severed head, and a bowl to catch the blood dripping from the head. She is considered the personification of the potent dark feminine energy of the universe. Meditation is a great tool to access your dark feminine side through Maa Kali.

    Below is the potent Mantra belonging to Maa Kali

    “ॐ क्रीं कालिकायै नमः”

     “Om Kreem Kalikaye Namah

    Wearing black clothes, sit in a comfortable position in Padmasana (lotus pose) if possible. If not, you can sit on a chair or couch, but ensure your spine is straight. Close your eyes, and make a Sankalp (resolution) to begin your journey, and ask Maha Kali to help you, bless you, and protect you during the journey, showing you the right path toward accessing your dark feminine side. 

    Focusing on your breath, you can do the above-mentioned mantra for 11 rounds of the beaded necklace, one bead counting one mantra. As you chant, pray to Maha Kali to remove all your negativity and make you move forward on the path of Sadhana. Pray to Her to inspire you to take action and progress in your life, in spirituality, and in the materialistic world. To induce a perfect balance between your dark and bright feminine side. To bring a perfect balance in your feminine and masculine side. 


    Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, is the sacred Tantra text believed to be conversed by the Lord Bhariava and Maa Bhairavi themselves. It says,

    एकमेव दुर्निशायं कृष्णपक्षागमे चिरं। तैमिरं भावयन रूपंभैरवं रुपमेष्यति ।।

     Ekameva Durnishayam Krushnam Pakshagame Chiram|

     Taimiram Bhavayan RoopamBhairavam Roopameshyati||

     It means, like this, one should ever contemplate the terrible darkness of night during the dark fortnight of the moon if he desires to attain the form of the Divine.

    The dark feminine is not something to be afraid of. It’s a part of you, and it needs to be honoured. You should never try to suppress this energy, or you’ll end up with an unhealthy relationship with yourself and others around you. The dark feminine is beautiful, powerful, and supportive—just like the light feminine. 

    We hope this blog helped you to understand a few more things about dark feminine energy. 

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