How to Prepare for Navratri Sadhana
Chaitra Navratri begins in exactly six days from now and with it will begin a powerful Sadhana for most of us. There are total four Navratris in a year. The Chaitra and Shardiya Navratris, that fall during summers and winters respectively are called the bigger Navratris and the Magha and Ashadha Navratris that fall during spring and monsoons are known as Gupt Navratri or secret Navratris. We recently celebrated the Magha Gupt Navratri from February 12th to February 21st and are glad that many of you participated in the individual Sadhanas and shared your experiences with us.
During the Chaitra Navratri, which will be observed from April 13th to April 21st, we will be performing Sadhana with Guru Ji. This Navratri is very powerful and can help us seekers evolve in our Sadhana and spiritual journey. Therefore, it is important for us to be spiritually, physically and mentally prepared for it. In this blog, we have compiled a list of things you can do, in order to prepare yourself for the Sadhana, so that you can gain maximum benefit from it.
Cleanse –
Our spaces, systems, minds, bodies and emotions can easily attract negativity from things we consume and places we visit, or in case of our homes, the people who visit us. It is therefore very important for us to clean our homes, offices, bodies, minds and emotions of all the negativity and heaviness that can cause potential hinderance in our Sadhana. For your spaces, do a normal cleaning followed by a salt water wipe, and plant some purifying plants, to ensure the air that enters your home is pure. In addition, you can also hang an ash gourd on your door (to see the complete ritual, click here
Body Cleanse
For your body, you can begin by going on a one-day water fast or juice cleanse, or sticking to fruits and salads, thus ensuring your digestive system cleanses by itself and you feel light and comfortable for the Sadhana. Light exercise and movement also help with flexibility. You may also want to begin meditating for about an hour every day, sitting in Padmasan with your back straight, so that your body gets adjusted to the Sadhana posture. Try abstaining from alcohol, smoking, non-vegetarian or oily and heavy foods to maintain the body’s cleanliness. Abstaining from unconscious sexual encounters and masturbation will also be helpful.
Mind Cleanse
For your mind, try consuming as little outside information as possible and start dealing with all your negative thoughts, thus destroying them forever. The moment you hear or see anything negative, just say the words ‘Hari Om’ and the negative thought will not have any effect on your mind. In addition, break contact with negative people, spaces and situations that might pollute your mind and energy fields. Every day during Sadhana, pray to the Divine Mother to cleanse you of all negativity in your mind, body and soul and space.
Decide Your Goal and Intention –
Begin researching on types of Sadhana, your Chakras and their activation, and your short term and long-term goals. Once you have researched all of these, it will be easier for you to decide what your intention behind the Sadhana is and what your goals are. This will further make your Sadhana path easier and smoother.
Things You Will Need –
1. An Idol of Maa Durga or Maa Kali if you don’t already have one.
2. An altar space – this can be a set up in your home where you will perform the Sadhana.
3. Two traditional lamps, as shown in image (image of diya), with wicks or you can buy wicks separately
4. Ghee (Clarified Butter) and Mustard Oil (to light the lamps)
5. A mat or a seat on which you can comfortably sit for the Sadhana
6. Incense sticks and camphor
Kindly note that these are just things you need in preparation for the Sadhana. If you are performing the Navratri Puja, then you can read this blog to understand how to do Ghatstahapana and perform the Puja – https://www.chamundaswamiji.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-navratri-puja-2020/
In case you are observing a fast during the Navratri, then this article can be helpful to understand the reasons behind fasting and how to fast – https://www.chamundaswamiji.com/fasting-during-navratri-why-and-how/
We hope this blog helps you prepare well for the Chaitra Navratri. You can register for the online Sadhana here. The Sadhana will be conducted in Sanskrit and English languages.
In case of any queries, please write to us on info@chamundaswamiji.com
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