Maintain Your Spiritual Well Being by being Kind, Forgiving and Grateful
A person’s physical, mental, and spiritual health and deeply entwined and affect each other greatly. If you aren’t well physically, you won’t be able to be at your mental and emotional best and if none of these things is in place, you won’t be able to spiritually ascend either. Similarly, if your spiritual well- being is compromised, your mental and physical health would automatically take a toll.
While there are multiple blogs and articles on how to maintain our physical and mental health, the tricky part is how to maintain our physical well being?
In this article, we try to list three important aspects of our physical health that help us begin our spiritual health journey.
Be Kind
Kindness is one of the most misunderstood attributes a person has. For instance, if you are giving to charity but clicking pictures and posting them on social media to get appreciated, then you aren’t being kind, you are seeking attention. At the same time, if you have a friend, who is going through a rough phase and has turned toxic, and you want to help them out of the kindness in your heart – but in the process end up damaging yourself – you aren’t being kind, you are self-sabotaging.
In both the above scenarios, your kindness would shine when you give to charity and no one comes to know about it, and when you try to help your friend by suggesting them therapy and helping them find the right therapist but also ensuring their toxicity doesn’t damage you.
So be kind in the right manner, understand that you need to first be kind to yourself, and then automatically you’ll be able to extend your kindness to the world.
Oh sure, I have forgiven that relative of mine but my blood boils every time I see their face, that’s ok, right? News Flash – You Haven’t Forgiven Them. Forgiving someone means understanding they did something wrong, being compassionate towards them and understanding they come from a place of hurt, and then moving on wishing them the best. You don’t have to remain friends with them, you also don’t have to offer yourselves to them again to be hurt, but if you ever see them again, you should feel compassion towards them. You should be able to smile and ask them how they are and keep it at a pleasant run-in. Once you can do this, you will automatically feel lighter and healthier.
But most importantly, you need to be able to forgive yourself first. We end up blaming ourselves when there is no one else to blame or for allowing someone to hurt us and carry that guilt forever. The more guilt you carry, the heavier you become and the more difficult it is for you to ascend. So before anyone else, forgive yourself. Understand your reasons and heal. Start with subconscious forgiving and carry on from there. You will see the difference in a week.
Be Grateful
When was the last time you felt truly blessed and grateful for something? Did you thank the Universe for waking up today? For the roof on your head and the food on your plate? For the clothes on your back and for the devices you are reading this on? If not, you can start now. Start by thanking the grocery supplier, the help, the emergency services, the mailman, we can go on and on but you get the idea.
Gratefulness brings in bliss and puts you in a state of constant joy and contentment. A thank you makes you feel better and the person you are thanking motivated to do more. You can start with thanking your body for housing your soul and carry on from there J
We hope this article helped you get a jump start to your spiritual well-being journey. Try these and tell us the difference you feel. To know more write in to us at info@chamundaswamiji.com
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