Mantra Meditation and Its Benefits?
What Is Mantra Meditation?
Mantras are a combination of sounds that, when repeated continuously, penetrate the subconscious mind and change our vibration. Mantra meditation is when a person chants the Mantra and reaches a state of complete awareness yet mindlessness. A stage where it’s just the person and the Mantra, nothing else.
The word mantra is a combination of the Sanskrit words ‘man’ and ‘tra’, which means ‘mind’ and ‘tool’, respectively. Thus, a mantra is a tool to control the mind; and if you control your mind, you control your life.
Mantras must be listened to or chanted – either quietly in your mind or aloud – to change your vibration. Chanting them aloud with intention and faith is probably the best method. However, there is enough scientific evidence that mantras work, even when chanted without intention or faith.
Benefits of Mantra Meditation
Many ways sounds affect your body. Chanting Sanskrit ‘beej’ mantras, in particular, have great positive effects. Here are a few ways that chanting mantras affect you:
During the process of chanting, your tongue presses against the roof palate of your mouth, which stimulates the hypothalamus, thalamus, and pituitary. These glands are in charge of hormone and chemical production in your body. Thus, chanting has the power to change your hormone balance and improve health.
In meditation, we are asked to empty our minds of thoughts. This is not an easy thing to do. Chanting mantras while meditating removes unwanted thoughts, thereby increasing focus and concentration.
When we’re unable to accept our emotions, we neglect and suppress them. This, in turn, affects your body. Chanting mantras help you release these pent up emotions and your reactions to them, allowing you to clear the throat and heart chakras.
Each sound has a distinct effect or vibration and so each mantra has a different effect. Moreover, all sounds affect your molecular structure. Thus, mantras have the power to realign your vibration and increase your self-awareness. Mantras are specially designed to have this effect.
Everything in the world is energy and in a constant state of vibration. Manifestation is essentially the process of tuning into the vibration of what you seek. Chanting mantras connects you with your higher awareness, which, in turn, makes it easier to tune into the vibration of what you seek in life.
Your habits make your life patterns. Negative thoughts lead to negative patterns and positive thoughts lead to positive patterns. These patterns, in turn, form your karma. Chanting mantras help you release these patterns and thus evolve your karma.
To learn Beej Mantras, refer to our blog. To know more, write into us at info@chamundaswamiji.com
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