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    Mysterious Temples of India Series – Karni Mata: Rat Temple of Rajasthan

    What’s your first reaction when you see a rat running in your house? If you are someone who is afraid of them, you will jump on the sofa screaming, or if you are one of the courageous people, you run towards the broom closet so that you can pick up the broom and chase this creature out of your home. Right?

    But what if we tell you that there is a temple in Rajasthan, which is home to more than twenty-five thousand of these tiny creatures? Rats not only live and thrive here but are respected, protected, and prayed to? Today, in the blog series of mysterious temples of India, we will visit a temple dedicated to Karni Mata, the reincarnation of Divine Mother Durga, also famously known as the temple of rats.

    The legend of Karni Mata

    Born on the 2nd October 1387, Karni was a Hindu Sage and a warrier. Also known as the Meha Aai (Divine Mother), She was considered an incarnation of Divine Mother Durga. Brave as the Maa Durga Herself, She was responsible for laying the foundations of two legendary forts of Rajasthan, fort Bikaner, and fort Mehrangarh.

    Karni Maa was married to Depa Ji Charan, but She had no interest in married life. She spent most of Her time in the temples and with Her devotees. A couple of years later, She arranged for Her husband to marry Her younger sister Gulab to have a normal married life and left Her home with Her followers and a large herd of cattle for the excursion. After roaming in the desert, She settled in a village named Deshnok near Bikaner.

    Her sister Gulab had a son named Lakhan, the devotee and follower of Karni Maa, living with She under She protection. Once, he went to the nearby village with his friends, and when he reached Kapil lake to have some water, he drowned. When Gulab saw his dead body, She could not stop crying. Seeing this, Karni Maa carried Lakhan’s body in a room and locked Sheself in.

    After some time, when She came out, Lakhan was alive. Divine Mother Karni fought with Dharmaraj, the Lord of Death, and got his devotee’s life back. Pleased by She love for her disciples, Dharmaraj granted a boon to Her disciples that they will reincarnate as rats (Kabas as they called locally) when they die. After serving the Divine Mother Karni in Her temple in the form of rats, they shall be born as humans again when they die.

    After that, Karni Maa lived many years, guiding the disciples and spiritual practitioners. Even famously known as fearsome Karniji Maharaj, She took part in wars, successfully repelling the invaders from the northwest frontier with Her mighty trident. On the 21st of March 1538, 151 years after Her birth, when She returned to Her village Deshnok, She asked Her caravan to stop the cart for water. She alighted from the carriage, and no one saw Her since then.    


    Temple of Karni Mata is located 330 kilometres from Jaipur, the state capital of Rajasthan, and about 30 kilometres from the city of Bikaner. Even though the temple is ancient, it has been reconstructed in the early 20th century Rajput and Mughal architecture style. Temple is covered with mesh to save the rats from the eyes of predatory birds circling in the sky. 

    Entire temple is built with marble, and it is surrounded by beautiful temple walls. The giant front doors of the temple are coated with pure silver. When the sunlight falls on these doors, they shine, working as a beacon to devotees who seek spiritual refuge under the loving protection of their Divine Mother, Karni Maa. Across the hallway, you will find many doors covered with silver and intricate designs.

    These silver panels on doors depict scenes from various Puranas, along with the legends of the Goddess. 75 cm Vigraha (consecrated idol) of Karni Maa is coated with a thick layer of Sindoor. She holds Her mighty trident in Her right hand and the severed head of a demon in Her left. She is accompanied by Her carrier lion and Her two sisters on the right side. Maa is adorned with garlands, golden crowns, and parasols, loaded with precious gems.  

    Karni Mata Worship and Fair

    Fair of Karni Mata invites devotees from every corner of the world. Not just as a major tourist attraction, but people visit here to experience one of the most influential spiritual experiences of their lives. Fair is conducted during the nine nights of Navratri. Devotees of Divine Maa Karni gather here to worship and pray for good weather, fortune, health, wisdom, courage, and spiritual advancement.

    During these nine days, the temple committee arranges various spectacular devotional programs. Temple opens at 4 AM, and people line up even before dawn to pay homage to their beloved Maa. During Navratri, Maa is adorned with unique clothes and ornaments. As the temple priest performs the puja, devotees gather in the courtyard to sing Aarti and offer Bhog to the Karni Mata.

    Rats are considered the reincarnated disciples of Karni Maa, and hence they all are protected, respected, and celebrated. Bhog, half-eaten by the rats, is considered auspicious. It is said that no one has ever got sick by consuming these offerings, even during the plague. Temple is home to thousands of black rats, but those who are especially blessed by the Divine Mother can see the white rat, which is a very rare phenomenon. If someone steps on the rat and kills it by mistake, they have to offer a small rat made up of silver or gold to the temple.

    Rats are creatures often considered dirty, disgusting, and disease-bearing. Since childhood, we have been conditioned to hate and fear these little creatures. But in Sanatana Dharma, every living thing is a part of the grand design created by the ultimate power.

    Being reincarnation of the supreme Durga Maa, the Karni Mata gives Shelter protection to these frowned upon and yet one of the most essential aspects of balancing the biodiversity of this planet. If they go extinct, all flora and fauna on the earth will be affected drastically. Karni Maa gives us the message that no matter how insignificant, rough or creepy you think someone is, they have their own life and an important role to play in the universe.

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