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    What Do Your Nakshatras Say ? | Dec 29th 2022


    Be mindful while eating; otherwise, it might take a heavy toll on your health. Those ladies who are working in the private sector should spend on new clothes and ornaments, dwelling well within their budget. A blessed day to search for new fields to market your brand. Those people who are active in politics might have a terrific day today.


    Those in a job should spend their night time with their family. It’s not auspicious for them to spend the first and second quarter of the night outside their homes amongst strangers. People working in corporate sectors will prove their efficiency at work. A businesswoman will be significantly benefited from their efforts in the past. Those young people having their own businesses might consider making a transition.


    Those who want to promote their business might consult experts for business expansion. Those in a job will strengthen their bonds with their sisters. Take care, as you might have to face a throat infection today. Do not take it lightly, and take the necessary treatment. Divorced women may incline towards committing immoral acts. We advise them to remove search thoughts from their consciousness.


    If you are already feeling under the weather, please take your medicine on time; otherwise, there might be a mistake while taking appropriate medication. The day brings caution to men as they might have to face stomach-related problems. Divorced Women should avoid poking their noses somewhere they don’t belong. Those people who are working as software developers might have the opportunity to work on some international projects.


    Those who are in a relationship might fear breaking up due to the rude behaviour of their partner. There will be an increment in profits of people owning the franchise of the courier company. A family member would make an unintentional mistake which might lead to some complex situation. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, please make sure to take your medication on time, as there is a possibility of a mistake.


    The day brings a health warning as for the upcoming 5 days, you and your family have to be cautious about seasonal disorders. There might be a religious proceeding for happiness and peace at home. Your subordinate may seek help from you today. Your positive attitude will inspire your associates to perform better at work.


    Those women who are homemakers might have to set their egos aside to maintain close relationships. You might get things done using your soft speaking skills on your higher-ranking officials. Those women who are working in government programs should be aware of back bitters for the next three days. It would be better if you could take any business decision only after thorough thinking and brainstorming.


    Those people who are working in the light decoration industry might experience business progress today. Even those who are working as florists will have a great day business-wise. Artisans working in the gold ornament industry might enjoy progress in their work. Those in a job should take care of their stationery goods.


    People who are involved in selling electronic goods might experience business progress today. You will inspire people at the club with your behaviour. If you are suffering from eczema, please take extra care, as your symptoms might aggravate today. The start of the day will be terrific, especially for single mothers.


    You might have to show some tough love to your kids in order to control them. Those people who are working in the public transport industry and as cab drivers might gain an outstanding balance between their income and expenditure. Those women having their own businesses will be successful in implementing their business strategies only if they can keep them secret. Students might be negligent in following their teacher’s orders.

    Poorva Phalguni-

    Those young folks working in a partnership company might be busy due to a heavy workload today. Women between 40 and 60 years might have to face problems like frozen shoulders. Please do not take it likely and take the necessary treatment. The day will be average in terms of business profits. Family members might be pleased with men over 60 years of age.

    Uttara Phalguni-

    Those people who are working in the tours and travel industry will have a good time with their friends. You might get in a fight with a known person of the opposite sex. Keep your cool. In order to help your subordinates, you might provide them with financial aid. On the other hand, you should seek financial help from others only if it is indispensable.


    If you are already under the weather, please avoid entering warm temperatures immediately after coming out of the cold temperature. Those people who are involved in clock selling a business might enjoy progress in their work. Someone in the family might be diagnosed with anaemia. People who are engaged in the brick manufacturing business might experience business expansion today. On the other hand, people selling the bricks might have to lend their goods to someone without exchange for any cash.


    The day brings caution to migraine patients as they might have aggravated symptoms today. If you are in the middle of a commission-related dispute, the fight will move toward resolution. Those in a job might be in an average State health-wise. They must take care of their health today. Even if they disagree with someone on specific points during the discussion, business owners should refrain from being so harsh and should have some patience.


    Today, you have to control yourself as you might put a few people under pressure to get things done for you. Your workplace authority might increase today. Those women who are working in the private sector should avoid lying to gain a momentary benefit, as Ultimately, it will harm them. This day brings caution as you might show symptoms like irritation and swelling in your liver. Please make sure that these symptoms don’t point toward hepatitis a.


    Those people who are working in the tours and travels industry might benefit from helpful information. Today you should detach yourself from worthless worries; only then might you possibly be able to achieve success. Those people who are in business will have some unnecessary expenses today, but it will be equal to their increased profits. Those in a job will have increased great respect for their elders.


    There might be a rise in your social stature. Those people who are appearing for competitive exams might plan to put more effort towards their studies. An optimistic day for the recovery of an old loan. You will be able to recover some percentage, if not the whole amount. Today is a good day to make a list with your life partner about unnecessary expenses so that you can put them under control.

    Jyeshtha –

    The day brings an increase in your work responsibilities. Those who are students might get to learn and earn opportunities. Those people who are handling their family business might get opportunities to expand it. If you are working in a partnership business company, there might be a possibility of a rise in your authority.


    Be careful while operating the electric gadgets at home as you might have to face problems while using them. Those women who are working as domestic help might have a new job opportunity that will have a good salary, but it will differ from their areas of expertise. Despite the mistakes committed by the superior officer, young people working in government programs won’t be able to cross-question them. Those people who are connected in politics might have the opportunity for a new posting.


    The day brings happiness as you will spend some good moments with your family. Those people who own courier company franchises will have increased income. The day is auspicious for those businesswomen who are planning to start new projects. People working as general physicians will have a good day today.


    Voice-over actors might have progressed in their work today. Those people who are working as finance consultants will enjoy work progress. Those people who are involved in the unbranded gold and silver ornaments business will have lesser than expected profits. The day brings an excellent opportunity to earn money for men below 60 years of age.

    Shravan –

    The day demands caution as business people might get trapped in legal matters. Those in a job will surprise their friends and family with their generosity. The day brings profit, especially if you are working as a hairdresser. People having their online businesses will have to think and take action on the spot.


    You might have to face a problem while operating a piece of electronic equipment at home. Those women who are working in the marketing sector will be able to complete their targets without much effort. Young people who are working in the private sector might have an opportunity to travel outside the city limits for business purposes. Middle-aged people who earn from computer typing might have to face sharp pain and cramps in their wrists.


    The day brings progress in work if you are working as a ward boy. Those women who are active in politics might think that things are going as per their plans. But the reality will be completely different from what it appears. Today is a great day where you might start a new business scheme taking advice from experts. This day could be beneficial for your career.

    Poorva Bhadrapada-

    Those people who are working as gym trainers or gym managers will have a good day today. Women working in private sectors might engage themselves in unproductive debate. It would be better if they could focus on their work. Those who are handling their family business might get opportunities to expand it. Someone close to you might get aggressive with you today.

    Uttara Bhadrapada-

    Those people who are working in public government should be on alert as they might have to reach somewhere with short notice. Women working in the private sector should take care of their health as they might have to face acidity-related issues. You will gain brilliant profits from a land investment done today. Those women who are handling their own businesses might plan to invest in improving their product quality and marketing.


    A good day for those people who are involved in the iron-related business. Homemaker women should keep activities and respect in mind while speaking with the elderly’s. Those people who are connected to public governance should be on alert as they might have to take on-the-spot action somewhere. Instead of thinking about the problems you don’t have control over, you should think about improving your daily lifestyle.

    If you don’t know what your Nakshatra is, send us your details like name, place of birth and time of birth at info@chamundaswamiji.com  and we shall help you with it

    Stay tuned. For astrological guidance, write to us at info@chamundaswamiji.com

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