Pitru Paksha | The Fortnight of Ancestors – Rituals and Practices
To understand what Pitru Paksha is, let’s first understand what Pitru is. The word Pitru is derived from Pitra, which translates to Father. Pitrus are our ancestors, parents, grandparents and family members, who have passed on after their demise from the current plane to the Pitru plane which lies between heaven and Earth. From this plane, they watch over us, guide us and protect us. They become our guardian angels and spirit guides in a way. They shower us with blessings and in their own way, help us with our career, health and any work that we are beginning. However, when displeased, they might not bless us anymore and our work might get stuck, we might lose a job and often fall ill or face difficulties in life.
It is believed that three preceding generations of one’s ancestors dwell in Pitru Loka and once the next generation dies, the ancestors’ souls shift to heaven or hell depending on the Karmas.
The question then arises on how does one keep their ancestors happy? The answer is simple, by worshiping them and offering them their favorite foods (as they loved in their lifetime here) on every new moon. However, it’s difficult to know all our ancestors and those who are in Pitru Loka since we can’t know people above two generations, given their life expectancy.
As a solution, there is a 16-day lunar period called Pitru Paksha which begins on a full moon or a day after. During this period, people perform rituals and practices to offer respect to all their ancestors, thus, making sure they don’t miss anyone. In 2023, Pitru Paksha begins on 29th September and ends on 14th October. The dates change every year and the easiest way is to know that it begins one day after the Ganesh festival ends or on the day the Ganesh festival ends. You can always refer to a Hindu calendar, to know the exact dates.
In this blog, we discuss the rituals a person can perform during this time, common practices, and do’s and don’ts of Pitru Paksha.
Rituals to be Performed During Pitru Paksha
Tarpan –
Tarpan is derived from the word Trup which means satisfying and pleasing. Arpan means an offering made to someone. Tarpan, therefore, means an offering made to satisfy someone. It can be Gods, ancestors, and any other deity.
Pitru Tarpan is a way of gratifying the ancestors and freeing them from any unfulfilled desires so that they can complete their journey to the heavenly abode with peace, satisfaction, and happiness.
The objective is also to please the ancestors so that they can bestow their blessings upon us.
Method –
Tarpan needs to be performed on a riverside, either by sitting on the bank of the river or standing in the river in a way that one’s belly button touches the water level. The reason for the belly button touching the water is that we are all connected to our ancestors through our belly buttons. The invisible umbilical cord so to speak. The same umbilical cord which bonds a child to the mother during pregnancy and is cut after birth in the physical form. In the energy form however, we are still connected to our ancestors through the umbilical cords. The belly button connecting with the water level means we are getting a better chance to connect with our ancestors through the smooth flow of water.
One should face south while performing Tarpan as that is considered to be the direction of death or the dead.
Then, one remembers all their ancestors by name and for those ancestors whose names we don’t know, we simply say all my ancestors, naming the family name. Then, with the chanting of the below Mantra –
“Om ye bandhava abandhva va yenya janmani bandhva ,Te sarve triptimayantu maddattenambuna swadha”
Meaning –
I hear by untie all the ties that bind my ancestors, for this life and all the other lives. May they all be satisfied and pleased with these offerings I make to them
One offers their ancestors water, milk, and black sesame seeds. Black sesame seeds are particularly considered to be the food of the Pitrus. Post this, you can offer cooked rice or any other special food the ancestors were fond of. While offering this, pray that this food satisfies their desires and helps with their journey going forward.
While this is the basic information about the Tarpan ritual, please note that whenever performing Tarpan, you must do it under the guidance and supervision of the priest.
Besides the Tarpan Ritual, people also offer food to crows, cows, and dogs during the Pitru Paksha which is usually rice or their ancestors’ favorite foods.
During Pirtu Paksha, it is also important to note the below do’s and don’ts and follow them with caution –
1. Do not begin any auspicious work – Since Pitru Paksha is known as the mourning period, it is advised to not begin anything new, or buy a house or get married or fix the date of the wedding, or buy a vehicle, begin a new business or even begin a travel.
2. People are advised to not consume non-vegetarian food during Pitru Paksha
3. The person performing the rituals mentioned above should not cut their nails, shave, or cut any body hair
4. It is preferable to abstain from alcohol, smoking, drugs, and sexual intercourse during Pitru Paksha
5. It is believed that Pitru comes to your home in any form in the fortnight of Pitru Paksha. Therefore, in this fortnight, no creature should be disrespected. Rather, any creature coming to your door should be given food and be hospitable.
6. Donate as much food as you can to cows, dogs, ants, cats, and ravens.
7. Also donate heartily to the priest who helps you perform the rituals.
8. Certain foods like gram, lentils, cumin, black salt, gourd and cucumber, mustard greens, etc. are considered to be forbidden to consume during Pitru Paksha.
We hope this blog helps you understand the importance of Pitru Paksha – The Fortnight of Ancestors, the rituals in brief and the do’s and don’ts. In order to know more and perform the Puja under Swami Ji’s guidance, write to us at info@chamundaswamiji.com
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