Qualities of a True Yogi
Do you know that the commonly used term Yoga is not just about body bending exercise? These days, you meet many people who call themselves Yogi. They either teach Yoga, or they have been learning Yoga. They are the ones who usually post pictures on Instagram, posing to meditate in front of a scenic view.
In modern society, the one who practices Yoga as a form of exercise is called Yogi. But do you know that the word Yogi has an entirely different meaning? In this blog, we explore the real meaning behind the term Yogi, the actual characteristics, and how a seeker can turn himself into a true Yogi.
In the sixth chapter of Bhagvat Geeta, LordLord Krishna elaborates on the actual characteristics of a Yogi.
अनाश्रित: कर्मफलं कार्यं कर्म करोति य: | स संन्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रिय: ||
आरुरुक्षोर्मुनेर्योगं कर्म कारणमुच्यते |योगारूढस्य तस्यैव शम: कारणमुच्यते ||
Instead of concentrating on the action results, those who perform their duties with all the focus are genuine Yogis. Those who have performed the prayers, Yagyas, or penance for the sake of performing them or those who pretend to have given up on worldly pleasures are not the natural Yogis.
The one who has an aspiration to achieve perfection in Yoga without any attachment is on the absolute path to be a Yogi. These Yogis have perfected the art of Yoga and have achieved a complete tranquillity with the help of meditation, says Lord Krishna.
What is Yoga?
Yoga is a Sanskrit term derived from ‘Yuj,’’ meaning ‘to join,’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘unite with.’ Ancient Sanskrit scriptures say that the practice of uniting the individual with the universal consciousness is Yoga. Ancient spiritual experts in the Indus Valley civilization believe that realizing that cosmic connection between us and these universal powers is the first step towards becoming a true Yogi.
What are the qualities of a true yogi?
It’s not easy to be a yogi. Primarily, it’s not as easy as joining a yoga class and being proficient in a few Asanas. Several ancient scriptures go into detail about what is Yoga and what are qualities of a true yogi. Let’sLet’s look at a few qualities that would differentiate a true yogi from the rest of the population.
Neutrality: Being a yogi means knowing yourself. It’s a sign of highest attainment. As Yogi detaches from the outcome and only concentrates upon his duty, he remains detached from the suffering. Even in conditions where his mind and body undergo tremendous pain, the Yogi knows how to stay stable and look at it from the third perspective.
Poise: A true yogi maintains his balance in all situations. While being a yogi is a constant process, efforts or conscious action is the means while walking on such a path. Since a true yogi has achieved freedom from desires, expectations, preferences, and attachments, he enjoys everything in life, but without being attached to anything.
Self confidante: a true yogi has not just accepted himself; he truly knows who he is and what are his strengths and weaknesses. He has no inner conflicts, nor he shall be confused. Since true Yogi has no self-destructive tendencies, he creates a perfect balance in worldly pleasures and duties with his spirituality. Due to a lack of self-destructive streak, he is constantly walking on the path of self uplifting, taking others with him.
Well contented: A yogi is also called Triptatma, meaning the one who has a contented soul. As a true yogi is free from desires, he is satisfied in any situation. He treats a diamond and coal the same. As he has complete control over his senses and feelings, he accepts everything life throws at him with a smile and open arms, considering it the Divine will.
Accepting every situation, he goes with the flow with great flexibility, fulfilling his duties.
Self-control: true Yogi has complete control over his mind, body, and spirit. As his entire focus is on the Divine, he manages to remain calm and tranquil even in the worst situations. A true yogi is Jitatmanah, meaning the one who has conquered his body, thoughts, and desires. As the true yogi desires to merge with the Divine, he remains undisturbed and unravelled even in the gravest dangers. Nor does he attach himself to the shackles of the feelings like pain-pleasure, honor-dishonor, fame-defame, hot-cold, etc.
Balance: Yoga is all about balance. It’sIt’s not for the people who eat, sleep, or exercise excessively, and it’s not for those who eat, sleep, and exercise very little. The true Yogi is the one who has conscious control over what he consumes with his mouth and mind. He is the one which has struck a balance, who enjoys being in the balance. He is a true yogi who has complete control over himself while being awake and in sleep.
How can one become a yogi?
Being a yogi means constantly evolving to be in better control. It means making yourself stronger and stronger, and yet more and more peaceful at the same time. These are the few transformative restraints and observances by which a seeker can begin his journey to be a true yogi.
Self-study: It is said that Guru shows you the way in spirituality, but you are the one who has to walk on it. Through the practice of contemplation and meditation, Yogi keeps on practicing what he has learned from his Guru. Swadhyaya, or self-study, is a detailed process of self-discovery, which includes dissolving the ego and being aware of the delusions we hold so firm within our subconscious.
Truth: It’s not about speaking only the truth. Yogi does not keep quiet when it’s very uncomfortable to talk about the fact. It’s a moral duty of a yogi to speak the truth regardless of the situation and consequences.
Satisfaction: In Sanskrit, it’s termed as Asteya, which means non stealing. A true yogi does not feel jealous and tries to steal, nor intends to steal another’s property through thoughts, speech, and actions. Yogi remains completely satisfied and content in whatever he gets. It means he does not wish what others possess.
Austerity: the word Brahmacharya does not means ‘not having sex.’ It means being free from the things which make you feel dependent. It’sIt’s the conscious decision to stay away from the items that require energy and attention and divert them towards what you seek. With the help of a positive attitude, yogis raise their energies to cultivate generosity and compassion towards others.
Non-violence: Non-violence is consciously not causing any harm through thought, speech, and actions. Also called Ahimsa, non-violence solidifies the belief that every living being is connected with our soul. A true yogi cannot even imagine harming a living thing for personal gain.
Purity: Yogi follows the practice of Saucha. Saucha doesn’t limit itself to the act of physical cleaning. It means Yogi follows the course of cleansing the mind, body, and soul. Being positive, helping others, meditation, mantra chanting, vegetarian food are the few practices Yogi follow to cleanse themselves off the impurities.
Letting it go: possessions doesn’t always mean things. They could be negativity, mal feelings about others, jealousy, or hatred towards others. Yogi does not hold an excess of anything. They live in the present by embracing the gift of the present while being thankful for the universe. Even though there is nothing wrong with worldly possessions, one must not forget themselves while accumulating those. While enjoying the pleasures of life, Yogi never loses connection with what they are and with reality.
Discipline: In SanskritSanskrit, it’s called the practice of Tapas. Tapas means following a strict spiritual discipline. Tapas roughly translates to the act of increasing the heat. When we chant mantras while meditating, our vibrations increase. Yogis utilize this extra positive energy to improve their life on physical, metaphysical, and spiritual levels.
With the help of constant practice, focus, adherence to principles, and under the guidance of a Guru, one can begin his journey to be a Yogi. We hope you have gained some insight into the true qualities of Yogi.
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