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    Tantra Yoga Explained.

    Spirituality has much to do with the mind, soul, and emotions. It’s more about the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul rather than material or physical things. Yoga is about breathing, movement, and flexibility to achieve the perfect balance of the body. When we focus on the mind, it often happens that we tend to drift away from the body and vice versa.

    Empowering the mind and body at the same time could be tricky. The solution you seek might be in a spiritual practice called Tantra Yoga. It is a technique that combines the aspects of Tantra, such as mantra meditation, Mudras, etc., with the elements of Yoga, such as Pranayama and Asanas. Let’s take a look at it.   

    What is Tantra Yoga

    Yoga translates to combine, and Tantra translates to techniques. But Tantra has another meaning. Tantra also means to weave. The idea of Tantra yoga is to weave yoga practices with Tantra practices to connect with the universe. This practice helps the seeker to know themselves better and achieve their life goals and, when practised with the partner, further deepens the relationship.

    As per the Tantra philosophy, each one of us is equipped with five bodies, and they are called Koshas. The first one is Annamaya Kosha, which means a physical body. The second one is called the Pranamay Kosha, which means the body’s life force. The third body is Manomaya Kosha, which means your intuitive body. The fourth one is termed Vigyanamaya Kosha, translating to the astral body and the fifth one is Anandamaya Kosha, which implies the bliss body. The scope of Tantra yoga is to activate and create perfect harmony amongst these bodies.

    Tantra yoga techniques

    Many assume that Tantra Yoga must be related to sex, as the word Tantra points out. But Tantra Yoga has nothing to do with sex. If you have a partner to practise Tantra Yoga, it’s good and great. If not, that shouldn’t stop you from reconnecting with yourself through this great combination of Tantra and Yoga. You will find many variations in Tantra Yoga, but mainly, they include poses, chanting, meditation, and pranayama or breathwork. Here are a few poses which are included in Tantra Yoga.

    Grounding and centering are one of the basic poses of Tantra Yoga. You can sit crossed-legged, facing your partner, and touching your knees. Take deep breaths, dive into your partner’s eyes, and allow your breaths to sync. This pose is excellent for forming a deeper connection with your partner.

    Seated cat-cow or the combination of Bidalasana and Marjarasana is a great way to loosen up and warm up your spine. Remember to inhale and exhale from the bottom of your stomach and support your partner.

    The back-to-back chair pose or Utkatasana is another excellent example of Tantra Yoga. Here, you and your partner will pose like sitting on an imaginary chair with your backs attached to each other. This Tantra Yoga exercise helps build trust, especially during the phase of pose transition where you have to support your partner.

    Seated backbend forward is a combination of Paschimottanasana and Matsyasana, where partners alternatively perform these poses with the support of each other. This pose teaches you to lean on your partner mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

    Many poses come under the broad spectrum of Tantra Yoga. But the most fundamental goal of Tantra Yoga is to thrive, prosper and combine spiritual and physical worlds together to elevate yourself. Tantra Yoga shows us what’s blocking us as individuals and as a couple. It helps us to overcome those obstacles to prosper physically, mentally, and spiritually.  

    Benefits of Tantra Yoga

    There are many schools in Tantra. Some are suitable for the seekers with regular life, and few, like Vama Tantra, focus on a heavy dosage of sex, alcohol, meat, etc. But Tantra Yoga gives you the sweet spot of spirituality, where you can practise the Tantra with Yoga, but being in the acceptable norms of the society, and not so much by alienating yourself from it.

    When mantras containing sacred syllables are chanted, combined with conscious breathing during meditation, they quiet the mind and aid in spiritual enlightenment by cultivating spiritual energy. True Khor is another Tantra Yoga technique, a potent combination of Pranayama and Asanas. This form is well known to bring Trikaya, that is, the body, speech, and mental aspect of our consciousness together.   

    Even though Tantra Yoga is a widespread umbrella covering many techniques under it, the main goal of Tantra Yoga is to worship the all-encompassing oneness through breathing, mantras, and cleansing. This path of spiritual uplifting goes through the temple of our body. Tantra is a powerful tool that connects you to universal powers. Combined with Yoga, it allows you to connect with it while being in your physical form.

    Tantra Yoga aids in identifying and developing our internal energies through meditation and chakra cleansing. It helps you in activating the Kundalini. Techniques like Asanas, Pranayama, Mudras, and Shatkarmas help you balance your chakras and cleanse the body’s energy pathways.

    Remember that practising Tantra Yoga takes a lot of practice, patience, and an open mind. These exercises are performed to sync your mind, body, and soul. Hence, it’s imperative to quiet your mind before you practise these techniques. 

    -Try to meditate five minutes before and after the Tantra Yoga session.
    -You must be comfortable with your body and with your surroundings.
    -Set mini milestones to reach your desired goal. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in one day.
    -Avoid pushing yourself beyond your limits. If it hurts, your body is probably telling you to stop.
    -Lean into this without forcing. Make your own path and program that will challenge yourself. Don’t bother to keep up with others.

    Even though there is plenty of literature available on Yoga and Tantra, it is highly recommended that one learn these steps under the supervision of a Guru. Everyone has unique spirituality, personality, and experiences. One solution cannot fit all; therefore, it is imperative to seek guidance from spiritual experts to get that special mantra and Chakra meditation method crafted exclusively for you. And hence, we recommend you practise these methods mentioned above under the guidance of an expert.

    We hope this blog helps you to understand Tantra Yoga.

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