The Relationship between Materialism and Spirituality
Our history is filled with examples of saints, sages, and great ones who stayed in abstinence, hardship, and extremely simple down to rags life, but were spiritually enriched and they ultimately reached enlightenment. This fact led to many people believing that one needs to stay Materialistically Poor to become Spiritually Rich but this couldn’t be further from reality.
Tantra teaches us that to be able to ascend and transform, we need to experience all the riches, all the pleasures, and all the joys in the world. It is only then will we learn how to sacrifice, devote, and transform. A person cannot sacrifice that he doesn’t have. Therefore, it is very important for us to first earn enough wealth so we can donate it to those who don’t have enough or are unable to make a living for themselves. That is a real sacrifice. Giving away something you have worked hard for, to someone who can’t afford it, or can’t work for it.
Another thing important to understand here is that great ones like the Gautam Buddha were born into riches. They experienced the riches and the luxuries and only then could they realize the Maya behind it all to renounce it and walk towards enlightenment. Samraat (King) Asoka also walked on the path of the Buddha after he had been King for many years and finally saw the reality of war.
Tantra devices a simpler way, a direct way. It teaches us to remain in the materialistic world, enjoy all the luxuries, and still walk the path of enlightenment. It teaches us to reach and connect with the divine in the present moment without changing anything about our external conditions. So going and meditating in a jungle or giving up everything you hold dear isn’t necessary to learn Tantra as long as you keep your surroundings clean and aren’t addicted to anything. But even if you are an addict, Tantra helps you get out of addiction and move towards a balanced, healthier life.
Swamiji says that it is people who are afraid of working hard and struggling for success, or unable to cope up with worldly affairs that look for renunciation as an easy way out and name it spirituality and looking for the truth. But in reality, you don’t need to leave anything to experience the truth. That is the Tantra Way.
Please note that Swamiji does not intend to demean other ways of attaining enlightenment through this statement, he simply wishes to explain to us why experiencing the Maya first is important to see its Truth later.
We hope this blog helped clear your understanding of the relationship between materialism and spirituality. To learn how you can ascend into spirituality while keeping your success and power, write in to us at info@chamundaswamiji.com
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