The Relationship Between Vermillion and Spirituality
Vermillion, also known as Kumkum, or Sindoor is an integral part of Sanatana. Dash of vermillion on the bride’s forehead is considered her holiest mark, as she starts her marital journey. Rice grains, covered in vermillion called Akshata, are an integral part of every Puja ceremony in Hinduism. Many Vigrahas (consecrated idols) of the deities in Indian temples are smeared with vermillion. But do you know how old the link between vermillion and spirituality is?
Naushero, an archeological site just 6 kms away from Mehrangarh, Pakistan was a home for Kotdijian settlement. It was a fully flourished settlement, sharing the time period with Harappan civilization. In this ancient city, archaeologists have found that the women used to wear Sindoor on their foreheads. It means, wearing vermillion on forehead is the Sanatana tradition, continued for at least 4500 years. In this blog, we are exploring this ancient relation of vermillion with spirituality.
Different cultures across the globe using vermillion:
In Hinduism, vermillion is considered highly auspicious, and used in weddings and during the Puja ceremonies. In Buddhism, vermillion has a great significance. In china, Buddhism was established by the monk Bodhidharma. The Shaolin temple, dedicated to Buddhism, is entirely covered in vermillion.
In the bible, it has been mentioned that prophet Ezekiel used vermillion to paint his spiritual art. Even vermilion roses are considered blessed by the Virgin Mary in Christianity. Shintoism is a religion originated in Japan. In Shinto, temple gates, pillars and the sacred spaces are covered in colour vermillion, to ward off evil.
Vermillion in Indian Traditions
Vermillion is a symbol of a woman’s resistance and her pride. When queen draupadi was disrobed by Dushhasan in Mahabharat, she took a vow to not tie her hair until Dushhasan gets killed. In the great war of Mahabharat, Bhim killed the Dushhasan, and brought his blood to Draupadi’s chambers. She applied his blood on her hair where she used to put vermillion, and her vow was completed.
Lalita Sahastranama is a song or a chant dedicated to Divine Mother Lalita Tripurasundari. In this chant, Kumkum is mentioned extensively, for several times. The Divine mother is so fond of the vermillion, that it is considered as sacred as her by the followers of Maa Tripurasundari.
Once Maa Sita was applying vermillion on her hair parting. When Hanuman asked her, “dear mother, why are you applying this on your forehead?” “It’s for the long life of Shri Ram” replied Sita Maa. Hearing this, Hanuman covered his entire body with vermillion, considering this would make Lord Ram immortal. This is the reason, we find the Vigraha of Lord Hanuman covered with Sindoor in his temples.
Applying vermillion on the forehead is the symbol of victory. In ancient times, whenever an Indian warrior used to step out of his home for a battle, his mother, sister or wife used to apply vermillion on his forehead. Even today, the tradition continues. Whenever a sister ties the Rakhi to her brother, she applies the vermillion on his head, as a mark of divine protection.
Kumkum is one of the essential components during Maa Durga’s Puja during Navratri. Vermillion is considered as a substance which invokes the Pranic energies and conductor of Chaitanya waves into the atmosphere. When a priest performs the Puja ceremony with vermillion, the devotees carry that vermillion to their homes, as it is charged with the divine vibrations. Playing vermillion, applying to each other and scattering it in the air is a very common tradition followed in west Bengal during Durga Puja festival.
How does vermillion affect our spirituality?
Revolutionary Vedic scholar Aadi Shankaracharya says,
तनोतु कृमं नं तवः वदना सौंदर्यलहरि परिवाह-स्त्रोतं सरशीरिव सिमंत-सरणी:।
वहंति सिंधीरां प्रबल कबरी भारतीमिरा- द्विषां बंधैर बंदि-कृतमीव नवीनारका किरणम् ||
tanotu kṣemaṃ naḥ tava vadana saundaryalaharī parīvāha-strotaḥ saraṇiriva sīmanta-saraṇiḥ ।
vahantī sindūraṃ prabala kabarī bhāratimira- dviṣāṃ bṛndair bandī-kṛtamiva navīnārka kiraṇam ॥
The vermillion in your parting hair resembles the sun, rising from the behind of a dark platoon of soldiers Oh dear mother. May it shield us all the time and bring peace.
-Ayurveda, an ancient Sanatani medicine science, mentions various types of Sindoor. Traditionally, Vermillion is made with natural ingredients like turmeric and lime juice, which has at least 2000 year old tradition.
-Women apply vermillion, above their forehead, on the hair partition, which is commonly known as Seemand or Mang. In Yoga, this place is called Brahmarandhra or Adhami. Applying vermillion on that spot regulates the energy of the woman’s body.
-Another location of applying the vermillion is in between the eyebrows, where Agya chakra or the third eye chakra lies. When we apply the vermilion, it’s said that our pineal gland is stimulated. It is responsible for regulating various hormones in the body, making spiritual practitioners healthy, and at peace of mind.
-Traditional form of vermillion is Sindoor, which consists of musk and sandalwood. Sandalwood and musk channelizes the passion in married life. It induces passion, joy, dynamism and enthusiasm in married life.
-Sacral or Swadhisthana chakra has a close connection with vermillion. It affects the reproductive organs, and produces deep and passionate emotional vibrations. Red is the colour of a new life, reproduction, pride, and passion. When we apply vermillion on the head, it stimulates Sacral chakra, and the creative energy along with it.
-As per the Astrology, Mesha Rashi (Aeris) has its maximum effect on our forehead. Mars, or Mangal is Lord of Mesha Rashi, and his favourite colour is red. Applying Sindoor on the forehead is a sign of good fortune and a happy and peaceful married life, granting the positive favour of the mars.
We hope you have gained some new insight on the importance of vermillion in spirituality. Next time, when you apply it on your forehead, remember what it symbolises, and what it can do to your spirituality.
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