The Spiritual Significance of Amavasya – New Moon
Purnima, or full moon, has a special significance in spirituality. The sky is lit with a peaceful, energetic full moon. Contrary to that, during Amavasya, the sky is mostly dark, with few stars shining faintly in the city sky. However, if you take a closer look, many festivals like Diwali, Shani Jayanti, Vat Savitri, Mauni Amavasya, Mahalaya Amavasya, Hariyali Amavasya underline the importance of the darkest nights.
What is Amavasya?
A’mavasya is a Sanskrit term that refers to the lunar phase of the new moon. But there is another meaning to the word Amavasya. In Sanskrit, Ama means together, and Vasya means to cohabit or to dwell. It means a time to come together, elevate and flourish. In ancient Sanatana culture, Amavasya has a special place when it comes to Sadhana. Let’s take a look at the spiritual importance along with the dos and don’ts of Amavasya.
Mythology of Amavasya
Chandra, the lord of the Moon, was married to Daksha’s 27 daughters. But he only adored one of them. Hearing this, Daksha cursed Chandra that his radiance would decrease gradually. Then, after seeking forgiveness and penance, Daksha changed his curse, and today we can observe the waxing and waning of the moon. Once a month, the moon completely disappears from the skies, thanks to Daksha.
Superstitions of Amavasya
Overall, Amavasya is considered an inauspicious time. Most people consider it scary, as the moonless skies invoke the ghosts and make them roam in the burial grounds. Many people believe that no new thing, work, or project should be started on the Amavasya, and no one should cut their hair on this day. Almost all astrologers advise against performing any Puja or ceremony during the Amavasya.
Cutting trees on Amavasya is prohibited; many carpenters do not work on wood projects during Amavasya. Even few believe that sexual intercourse, sleeping naked, consuming non-vegetarian food, and body massage with oil are considered inauspicious during the Amavasya.
Just until a few decades ago, no one used to start their journey on the day of Amavasya. Roaming around during the night under the open skies is considered very bad. No matter how important the work is, many avoid going outside after dark during Amavasya even today.
The spiritual aspect of Amavasya
When the sky is moonless, you cannot see much outside. Hence, it’s an ideal time to look and seek inwards. Even though people believe this day is no good for starting something new, spiritual practitioners, especially the ones who practise Tantra, believe this is the perfect day for initiation. Amavasya is very keenly associated with salvation or Nirvana. All we need to do is remove the worldly distractions from the outside world and seek the inner light.
Even though one cannot see the moon on this night, the English name for this night is new moon night. It signifies the gradual ascent of the moon and the inner light within us. It represents the gradual awakening that transcends to fullness. Amavasya is about the realisation of the travel one must take from the darkness towards the internal illumination of the elevated being.
Do’s and Don’ts of Amavasya
-It is recommended that a seeker wake up before sunrise, take a bath and worship Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu in the morning.
-Many people practising spirituality visit the nearby temples to get rid of the negativities and to calm their minds.
-Many light a Diya (earthen lamp) with ghee (clarified butter) to attract positive vibrations.
-Various Puranas recommend doing Anna Daan or giving food to the needy on this day, as this act is considered a penance for the bad deeds you might have done unintentionally. Many believe that during Amavasya, we can easily connect with our ancestors. Hence, they perform Anna Daana to remember their forefathers and ancestors.
–Amavasya is a time for great spiritual, emotional, and mental turmoil. Hence, the seeker must keep his stomach light during this period. Many people keep fast on this day, and many only consume fruits. Consuming Sattvik food during the day is highly recommended if this is impossible.
-The lower gravitational pull of the moon is closely connected with our solar plexus chakra and digestion. And hence, to reduce the mal effect, one should refrain from eating Tamasik food like eggs, chicken, red meat, fish, or even spicy food.
-Many spiritual practitioners, especially those who perform meditation, practice silence during this day. But please keep in mind that it should not be a forced silence. There is no point in keeping silent outward when your mind is going through bickering, complaining, negativity and turmoil. Hence, meditate for a few minutes to calm your mind if you plan a silent day.
Even though there is plenty of literature available on spiritual practices, it is highly recommended that one learns them under the supervision of a Guru. Everyone has unique spirituality, personality, and experiences. One solution cannot fit all; therefore, it is imperative to seek guidance from spiritual experts to get that unique method, mantra, and meditation method crafted exclusively for you. And hence, we recommend you practise these recommendations mentioned above under the guidance of an expert.
We hope this blog helped you to understand the importance of Amavasya in the life of a spiritual seeker.
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