Visualization – To Turn Over The New Leaf
Just like everyone else, Priti also had faith and hopes to turn 2020 into a successful year. As an entrepreneur, she invested herself into a healthcare business. In 2020, many people have lost their heart. They said goodbye to their bold hopes. But for Priti, everything she visualized was falling in line. Her healthcare business did not just start with fire, but became an example for others. The reason she told me was her faith in her Visualization.
Most of us start the New Year with the greatest of energy, enthusiasm, intentions. But some people cannot follow their resolutions from January itself. We might go back to old ways and methods and punish ourselves up for not following the resolutions we planned.
But there could be a better way to ring in 2021 that can help us in a betterment:
Visualize yourself as powerful, resourceful as you can
Visualizing yourself as a powerful person can boost your confidence. Though it is a mental attribution, it can definitely transcend into your actions. You will find yourself more engaged in the goal-oriented, mindful dimension. Once you define your goal, you can continue to practice visualization regularly.
Swamiji’s guidance can help you in understanding the self and to find a better tuning with yourself.
Sometimes we are entangled in thoughts, images, and emotions which are not helpful for our physical and mental health. But a better self knows how to train your subconscious mind to manifest a successful person.
Visualization helps us to get rid of negativity from thought, emotion, behavior. It will help us to focus more on actions that will enable us to achieve personal success. But it needs faith in the process.
Keep faith and rest will fall in line.
Some of the greatest battles are not won overnight. It takes time and patience. A fruitful visualization takes a lot more than just positive thinking. You have to have faith in the process and know that what you’re manifesting will be yours.
Visualization is more to do with your consciousness. The more you are aware, the more you get rid of unnecessary elements of your old self. It can bring harmony with the divine element in yourself, and you can clearly use the power that is being available by the cosmos.
Create a subtle imagination, but very forceful. It will guide your actions.
Visualization can improve in karma
Our mental limitations limit our daily actions. Sometimes we refrain from engaging in correct actions. This spiral of thought and action can be broken by creating a powerful visualization of what you want to be. This is the opportunity to transcend all your limitations of thought, emotion, and action.
If you act as if you’re already where you want to be, the universe will respond to those vibrations.
Forgive others and heal your past
If you are writing a diary, try to use the corner end of your paper to forgive yourself and others. It will give you closure of thoughts. We can end our dualities in relation to family or society on paper. We can start on a positive note. It can cleanse your heart from negative emotions. Sometimes, you flush or burn the paper as a symbolic way to release all of those negative feelings from your heart and mind.
This is a self-healing method. In his chakra meditation sessions, Swamiji teaches about chakra activation by cleaning the heart and mind. It can attract success, wealth, positivity.
The universe will answer back.
Whatever you give your positive energy and the same or more will come back to you. So, meanwhile, stay focused on the good and positive things in your life, you will automatically attract positive things into your life.
In Bhagavad Gita, God himself proved that he is part of the cosmos and he lives among us. So sending out positive affirmation can definitely reach the god himself. All it takes is a positive attitude and faith.
Use your mind in a magical way
The mind is also powerful, and some would say a magical thing. A big part of visualization is a healthy mind. A stable, aware, and subtle phase of mind is necessary for a healthy manifestation. Your mind must also be a good receptor when the universe gives you back.
Clear Your Heart and Mind
When you let go of things that no longer serve you and simplify, you’ll open space for new and great things to come into your life. Use the following method for this:
– Take out a few minutes in a quiet place.
– Simply close your eyes and concentrate.
– Take a few deep breaths, relax, and start focusing on the movements of your breaths.
– Try to think that you are releasing the negative energy as you exhale.
– Give yourself positive affirmations about the better future.
On the last day of 31 December, we have closed one chapter and now the pen is gradually inking up, preparing itself to write the next. Create a whole new human being out of yourself. Use as much energy as possible. See if this new image is more human, more improved, more loving.
Make a resolution to live your life with what you truly want to manifest. Get rid of any emotional, mental, physical entanglement or blockages, so that you can get out of your own way
It has been a New Year’s ritual for some years now. Over the years, many students have joined Swamiji in this ritual, which is a co-creative process of self-awareness, intuitional awakening, and goal setting. Be a part of this family. Connect us at info@ChamundaSwamiji.com
Happy New YEAR !
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