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What Do Your Nakshatras Say ? | Jan 5th 2023


Those people who are working in incorporated companies might successfully manage to turn the bitterness of their co-workers into sweetness. Those in a job should be extra careful today if they are visiting the parks, especially with their pets. Those who are involved in selling any oil might not have a very pleasant day today. The day demands extra Vigilance as if you are a business person, your jealous friends might try to ruin your image.


Those people who are managing the factories might have heavier than usual workloads today. Those in a job might spend some money on relaxation and leisurely things for the home. Young people who are working as an assistant in a partnership company might have new income opportunities. Bachelorette women might have an auspicious day to start a new love relationship.


Professionals should work with their complete focus; only then will they be able to complete their targets today. Those people running their own businesses might keep themselves busy playing some indoor games in the club. Those people who are working in arbitration-related work might prove their efficiency in resolving a long-term dispute. Those in a job might successfully manage their blood pressure-related issues. However, business people with blood pressure-related problems might need to take some rest today.


Today, women must take care of their health as they might have to face hormonal problems. Young people running their businesses through startups might have business expansion opportunities with new clients. Those people who are working in online marketplace companies might have an auspicious time. Those in a job might plan to save regularly.


Those professionals who are involved in video editing might have a tough day with a heavy workload. Those young people who are working in the private sector should find the solution to a problem calmly. Bachelorette women will be in a positive mindset today and have improved relationships with their friends and family. Those running their business will have increased respect for their elderly.


Those women who are running the childcare business should keep a sharp eye on small children. Those owning a business should be outspoken about their business during the opening. Homemaker women might have to work extra hard today. The day might be average for those in a job.


Those running their own business might be pleased today as their marketing team will work extra hard. Homemaker women might plan for a weekend trip along with the family. Young people who are working in government programs might spend more than their capacity on leisurely activities. Those business people who Invest in lands might enjoy significant profits today.


Post the second quarter of the day, you might try to learn something new about your business. Instead of depending on anyone, those women in a job might focus on doing things on their own. Those people who are involved in the gardening business might enjoy progress in their work today. Drivers who drive taxis or any kind of rental public transport might have an outstanding balance between their income and expenses.


Those business women who are seeking loans to expand a business might have to face some impediments. Those in a job should avoid discussing any disputable topic at the workplace. People who are involved in the lentil mill business might have expansion in their business. Those who are suffering from high blood pressure might have to be extra careful especially post the second quarter of the day.


Divorced women might have to be extra careful while driving today. Those people who are doing their online business might have to be on extra alert as they might have to take immediate and decisive action someplace. Those in a job working in partnership business companies might have a blessed day searching for new income opportunities. People running their own businesses might have satisfactory cooperation from industry experts.

Poorva Phalguni-

Those women who are working in the private sector might have an excellent opportunity if they are seeking to sell their assets. Vendors dealing in dairy-related products might have a blessed day today. Those people who are working in the merchant Navy might have an opportunity to gain incredible success. Those in a job might have to take extra care of the needs of their friends and family.

Uttara Phalguni-

Men between 40 and 60 years of age might get irritated while travelling in a local train. Students might be distracted today. Those young people who are working in the private sector might be able to complete all of their tasks on time. Elderly women might have to increase fibre in their food as there might be a possibility of constipation.


Those in a job should stay away from the suggestions given by their well-wishers. Those running their own business might have to face some unnecessary expenses. Still, it will be according to their increased income. Single mothers should keep a balance in their behaviour even when their kids ignore them. Young people might be in a pleasant mood as their family members might accept their love relationship.


You might have to face problems related to tax or loans. Those people who are involved in the manufacturing of paint brushes might have a blessed day today. People in a job might receive good news today. Those women who are working as domestic help might have some happy moments today.


Those people who are involved in a gardening-related business might enjoy progress in their work. If you are a bronchitis patient, you might have to be extra careful as your symptoms may be aggravated today. Those women running their own businesses might have to travel outside the city, but they should avoid travelling alone. Those in a job might have a family member who is suffering from a gastric-related health problem.


The business people might worry about their children’s problems. Elderly men should increase their fibre intake in their food as they might face constipation in the future. Those in a job might receive a piece of excellent news via a phone call from their relatives. If you are planning to consume a shellfish, please make sure that it has been cooked completely. Otherwise, it might affect your health.


Salaried people might worry regarding their extramarital affairs. Business people should refrain from sharing their secret business plans with anyone else. Those women who are working in the marketing field might be able to complete their targets effortlessly. Those vendors who are involved in selling any kind of telecommunication equipment might have an auspicious day today.

Jyeshtha –

In order to progress ahead in political life, you might welcome your opponent’s opinions with open arms. Goldsmith artisans might enjoy progress in their work today. Those in a job will be successful in getting things done through their politeness. Those people who are involved in manufacturing clocks and selling them might have progressed in their work today.


Those in a business might have an excellent day, just they have to stay away from negative people. Those people who are running their own businesses might have an opportunity to try something new. Those in a job might plan a weekend family trip outside the city. Homemaker women might plan to save some money.


The day might be auspicious and profitable for general physicians. Those people who are working in partnership business companies might have a higher self-confidence for completing their targets on time. The day demands restraint as those running a business might have to face health problems due to uncontrolled eating. Those in a job might not be able to spare some time for home tasks due to a busy office day.


Those in a job are advised to be polite even when they disagree on some points with their higher officials. Those running their own business might feel fatigued, especially post-third order of the day. Those who have already been proven guilty by legal services should stay away from illegal activities. You might enjoy success in creative things, but only when you manage to keep the focus.

Shravan –

Those people who are working as psychiatrists might be distracted today, and that will result in gaining the desired results on time. Today might be the worst day to earn some cash via illegal activities. Our advice is don’t even try it, or you might have to suffer a heavy loss. Those women who are working as personal secretaries should keep the files and papers related to their bosses very carefully. People who are working in defence organisations will be a topic of discussion today.


Those professionals who are working in investment banking-related sectors might think about creating a new strategy. Those in a job might have to face criticism from their superior officers. Those running their own business might receive great news, especially during the second and third quarter of the day. The day brings indications of improved financial wealth for those people who are working in partnership company organisations.


If you are in a relationship, you might have to be extra careful regarding your partner. Those in a job might try to save themselves from extramarital affairs. Businessmen might have extra expenses as well as higher income today. Those people who are involved in manufacturing and selling farming-related machinery types of equipment might have a profitable day today.

Poorva Bhadrapada-

Those women in a job might have to face something unexpected in the office. Elderly people might try to connect with spiritual discourse or meditation. Those running their own business should stay away from ego as they might hurt a few people. Those men who are in the business with limited liability companies might think about implementing such plans, which might put them ahead of the competition.

Uttara Bhadrapada-

If you run your own business, your subordinate might seek help from you. It is imperative that wholesale vendors should follow all the government rules and regulations today. Those people who are carrying their responsibilities working in defence agencies might be a topic of discussion among people. Those people who are involved in the light decoration business might enjoy a business expansion today.


People who are working in the gemstone cutting business might experience progress in their work today. Those in a job might have to give up on their ego to maintain relationships. Those people who are active in social life should stay away from those things that might demotivate them. Those women who are engaged in social life might have to bring balance to social and family life.

If you don’t know what your Nakshatra is, send us your details like name, place of birth and time of birth at info@chamundaswamiji.com  and we shall help you with it

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