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What Do Your Nakshatras Say ? | Jan 7th, 2023


Those who work as graphic designers might experience progress in their work today. High-ranking officials working in multinational companies might receive a piece of great news beyond borders. Those women running their own businesses might be benefited by befriending their enemies. Business people might have an environment of love and harmony in their homes, which will inspire some distant relatives.


Important assistant of those who run their own business might get aggressive over a touchy topic. People who are living away from home for work might get home sick today. Those men working as assistants in incorporated companies might get into a fight with one of their family members. Young women working as models should be careful walking immediately after getting up from sleep. They might have a sharp pain in their heel. Do not take it lightly, and consult a physician.


Those creative people who work with electronic media might have a blessed day today. There might be an outstanding balance in income and expenses among taxi and other public transport drivers. Those people who are involved in clock selling a business might enjoy progress in their work. However, the workers engaged in clock manufacturing might have an average day in terms of money. Those in a job should be careful as someone in their family might be infected with influenza.


Those in the job might be busier than usual at work. Hence it will be difficult for them to take some out for themselves. Divorced women should choose their words very carefully while putting something on social media; otherwise, it might create a problem for them. Businessmen might soon have an opportunity to travel for their business. Those people who are involved in the manufacturing and selling of religious ceremony materials might have a blessed and profitable day today.


Those in a job might be pleased with their children’s increasing societal reputation. Dairy products vendors might have a blessed day today. Those people who are involved in the manufacturing of farming equipment might have a profitable day today. Homemaker women might plan to have a serious discussion regarding the family’s progress with their life partners.


Pre-graduation students might need extra focus during their studies; otherwise, they might forget what they have learned today. Salaried people with migraine problems should be extra careful today as they might have aggravated symptoms. People owning a business should avoid overthinking, as it might lead to impediments in completing the work. You might have relationship problems with a distant relative who has always supported you when it comes to useless things.


Couples in a job might feel a communication gap while discussing with their teenage kids. Software developers might receive an opportunity to work on projects belonging to companies abroad. Those people in a business might have an opportunity for some relaxation and leisurely activities. People who are involved in selling firecrackers and traditional fireworks might have a blessed and profitable day.


Bachelorette women might receive gifts from their friends. Those owning a business might have to keep an extra focus on their accounts; otherwise, there might be a possibility of mistakes today. Those women working in partnership-related business companies who were running their own businesses for extra income might try to do something new in their business. Business people should increase their fibre intake as there is a possibility of constipation.


Those men between 40 and 60 years of age who are working in the private sector should prepare themselves to have a discussion with their Boss regarding a promotion. Divorced women might be able to think clearly about where they are now and where they want to go from here. Those people who are working in paint brush manufacturing might have an average day. On the other hand, those business people who are involved in selling the paintbrush might have a blessed and profitable date today. Patients with gout need to be extra careful today as they might have to face aggregated symptoms.


Those people running their own businesses who are active in politics might be able to achieve success through their understanding and patience. Women who are working as domestic help might be able to see new income opportunities. Those in a job will enjoy a positive environment at home. Someone in the family might be diagnosed with anorexia. Do not take it likely and consult a physician.

Poorva Phalguni-

Bachelorette women might face some problems with their partners today. Those in a job might spend more than usual on leisurely activities. Students might have suffered from loss of concentration today. After discussing with the industry experts, those running their own businesses might start on the new schemes they have decided on.

Uttara Phalguni-

Those in a job should be extra careful as a family member might be diagnosed with anxiety-like symptoms. Do not take it lightly. Those people who are involved in selling petroleum-related products might have a blessed and profitable day. Widows might be under religious and spiritual thoughts today. Those women who are active in politics might misread the situation and assume that the conditions are bending as per their will.


Today, something might happen to those running their own business, which might force them to take daily time for introspection. Freelancers will be in a great mood to receive the projects as per their liking. Those in a job might have to take on extra responsibilities even when they don’t want it. Those working in an incorporated company might ruin their relationship with their close ones due to their anger. They should take extra care today.


Those labourers who are working on daily wages might receive payments after some time, but they should not worry about it. Women active in social circles should avoid getting in a dispute with anyone as those people might be trying to ruin their image in society. Today might be an excellent day for spa owners as well as for hairdressers.


Those people who are working or operating a casino might have a blessed and profitable day today. People might object to the overly negative thoughts of those in a job. People running their own businesses might consult a financial specialist to get rid of their financial problems. Women active in politics might be able to implement a party-wide plan effortlessly.


Those in a job might show some tough love to their children in order to control them. Business people involved in manufacturing household items might be benefited in the future due to an advertisement slot they have booked today. Those people who are working in incorporated companies might get in a fight with a known person of the opposite sex. Be careful, and don’t let things go out of your hands. Homemaker women might think about controlling unnecessary needs as they are disrupting the household budget.


The day might be great for physiotherapists as they might have business progress today. Working couples should avoid being over-aggressive over silly mistakes committed by their children. Those unmarried young people who are working in partnership business companies might have to gain control over their anger, as it might ruin their personal relationships. Women might have to face hormonal problems, so they should take extra care of their health today.

Jyeshtha –

Those in a job might get complete support from their life partner during a discussion over important topics. Today is the worst day to get yourself involved in extramarital affairs, especially for business people. Those creative women working in the advertisement field might have to put extra focus on the quality of their work. Socially active people who are working in incorporated companies might enjoy the rise in their success.


Business people might think about buying something for the children of the family. Those in a job might go out shopping after the 4th quarter of the day along with their life partner. Workers and business people involved in the gemstone cutting business might enjoy progress in their work today. Those business people from 50 to 60 years of age might think about implementing such business plans, which will keep them ahead during the business race.


Those people running their own businesses might enjoy a peak in their social status. Today might be a blessed day for bookbinders. Those in a job will be praised for their ability to think quickly. Unmarried women should avoid sharing their secrets with anyone, at least for today.


Those young people working in incorporated companies should avoid any kind of mistake while fulfilling the increased responsibilities. Our advice to bachelor men is that they should work on their communication skills to prevent any tensions in their love life. Those women who are running the business in partnership with men might be asked about some business-related documents. Those people who are working, managing, or the owners of security guard companies might enjoy a pleasant environment at their homes.

Shravan –

Those people running their own businesses might have an opportunity to travel far away for business purposes. Owners of the partnership business companies might successfully resolve their relationship issues with their relatives. Those women who are working as domestic help might have to face health issues at the start of the day. Today might be a great day for those in a job, especially post-noon; they will be in a great mood.


Those who work as a screenwriter might have to face temporary difficulties while having discussions about a new project, yet they will be in a pleasant mood for receiving a good return for their previous work. Socially active women should think twice before giving their reactions in public places. Those people who are working or owning the laundry business might experience progress in their work today. Bachelor men should prepare themselves mentally for a piece of negative news they might receive over the phone.


Those people having their own businesses might think about implementing beneficial plans to bring happiness and prosperity to the family. Those in a job will worry about their personal work, and they might even have to run around to complete it. Homemaker women might plan a weekend family trip outside the city. Bachelor men working in incorporated companies might spend some time gathering new information, especially between the second and third quarter of the day.

Poorva Bhadrapada-

There might be a possibility of progress in work for florists. Those labourers working on daily wages might receive payments after some delay, but there is no need to worry. Women working in the marketing sector might complete their targets easily and on time. Those people in a job might experience a rise in their social status today.

Uttara Bhadrapada-

Those in a job might enjoy a great environment in their home, surroundings, and in their social life. People working in incorporated companies might receive a piece of great news in the office. Those people who are involved in the cloth printing business might enjoy progress in their work. Those running their own business might be partially relieved from their financial problems.


Those young people who are working in partnership business companies should prevent spending money unnecessarily. Otherwise, it might put a strain on their emergency funds. Men over 60 years of age might experience anxiety for unknown reasons. Women might get an opportunity to present their hidden skills. Those people involved in a business might fear a relationship breakup due to the bitter behaviour of their life partner.

If you don’t know what your Nakshatra is, send us your details like name, place of birth and time of birth at info@chamundaswamiji.com  and we shall help you with it

Stay tuned. For astrological guidance, write to us at info@chamundaswamiji.com

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