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What Do Your Nakshatras Say ? | Jan 9th, 2023…


People might object to the overly negative thoughts of Those business people who are involved in client dealing. The day asks for caution from those young people in a job as their inability to choose between careers might make them confused. Those people who are involved in the wholesale clothing business might achieve desired success. Whether you are a man or woman, today is the worst day to earn money through immoral ways. You will have to suffer a heavy loss.


Those people who are handling a network-related business might have a profitable day today. Women active in politics might be entirely devoted to their work. Those in a job from 50 to 60 years of age might try to connect themselves with a spiritual discourse or meditation. Retail vendors should behave decently with their customers, especially today.


Fruits and vegetable wholesale vendors might earn lesser than expected profits today. Those in a job might successfully resolve the ongoing dispute with their brothers. For the next 10 days, people who are handling their own business should check any document related to the asset purchase very carefully, as there is a possibility of deception. Those women in a job should avoid interfering in someone else’s work today. They might have to face problems in the future.


Those in a job might take one more step towards resolving their financial issues. Businessmen might take one more step towards resolving their ongoing long-term dispute with their old business partner. Those business people who are suffering from constipation should take extra care today as they might have to suffer aggravated symptoms. Please do not take it lightly and increase the amount of fibre intake as per the doctor’s suggestion. Those young women working in partnership business companies might receive such a job opportunity which will be attractive in terms of salary but might be different from their work experience.


Those young people who are working in incorporated companies might have to be extra careful while driving today. Women active in politics might be praised by the people due to their higher moral values. Those in a business should make decisions with seriousness instead of being in a hurry; otherwise, they might have to suffer heavy losses. Those in a job might get into a dispute with someone in the office. However, unless and until they do not get involved in this dispute by themselves, they will not have to face these problems.


Those people who are working in partnership business companies might be able to complete their office work very efficiently. Musicians and owners of band parties might enjoy business expansion today. Homemaker women should take extra care regarding the needs of their family members. Those who are working in incorporated companies might have to make decisions only after a thorough discussion over it, especially during the third quarter of the day.


Those in a job should take care of their health today. Business owners who are active in politics should be careful, as their opponents might try to make fun of them. The day demands caution for women who are engaged in politics, as jealous people might try to distract them. Those young people who are running their own start-ups might have a profitable day if they manage to keep their business plans a secret.


Those in a job might go out with their life partner for some shopping today. People who are managing private companies with more than 40 employees might have a heavier-than-usual overload. Those men who are working in partnership business companies should bear extra caution while riding a bike or scooter. They might have to face a problem on the road. Someone in the family of business people might be diagnosed with symptoms like anorexia. They should not take it lightly.


Ashlesha. Women who are working in the data analytics field might achieve great success today. Those people who are running their businesses in coordination with limited liability companies might try to implement something new in their business. Wholesale vendors should obey all government laws very strictly today. Those men in a job who are active in social life might be satisfied with their current progress.


Divorced women, might receive some auspicious news today. Those in a job might also receive some good news over the phone from their relatives. Business people might benefit from the advertisements they have done in the past. Those people who are working in partnership business companies might be under a lot of stress due to a higher working load.

Poorva Phalguni-

Those men under 30 should have excellent coordination with their immediate boss. Otherwise, they might have to face a problem at the workplace. Women working in government programs should be extra careful for the next 5 days from the back bitters. Widows might feel powerless today. This feeling will be more spiritual than the physical kind. Men who are running their own businesses in partnerships might decide to restart some pending project.

Uttara Phalguni-

Those in business might have a heavy workload; hence they might find it challenging to take some time out for themselves. Women working in the private sector might have a positive workplace environment today. Those people who are involved in the poultry business might have a profitable day. Those in a job might have a somewhat negative start to the day.


A couple doing jobs might take all the necessary precautionary measures before finalising the deal regards to some immovable asset. Those people running their own businesses might have a good time hanging out with people with the same profession. They might also discuss business problems with them. Those in a job might have to face a sudden financial requirement. Women working in multinational companies might try to finish a long-term dispute.


Those in a job might have religious proceedings at their homes, inviting happiness and peace in the family. Those people who are working in clock manufacturing might have an average day; however, people who are in the business of selling clocks might experience progress in their work today. Those people who are active in politics should avoid driving today. If it is not possible, then be extra careful, especially on the crossings. Bachelorette Women might be somewhat fickle-minded today.


Those in a job working in incorporated companies might be invited for a celebration by their friends. There might be a business expansion for liquor vendors. Those women in a job might have to spend some extra money, but they should not hesitate about it. At the same time, they should be aware of spending unnecessarily. Those running their business might benefit in the future from today’s business travels.


Those people who are working in incorporated companies might refer to all the necessary documents before coming to a conclusion in the office. People working as cartoonists might experience progress in their work today. Those people who are dealing in imported goods might have an opportunity to earn good profits today. Bachelorette women might receive love and encouragement from their fathers regarding some critical topics.


Divorced men should stay away from negative thoughts as these things might affect their day-to-day lifestyle. Those young women who are working as models should be extra careful while immediately walking after getting up from sleep. Otherwise, they might have to face sharp pain in their heels. Please do not take it and see a doctor. Those in a job might have to be mentally prepared for possible increases in family responsibilities. Those running their own business might focus on the things they like, which will put them in a pleasant mood today.

Jyeshtha –

Those women running their online business might work extra hard to reach their goals today. Young people in a job might receive a job opportunity which will be very attractive in terms of salary. Those people who are involved in selling sporting goods might experience progress in their business. Working couples might think about controlling their unnecessary needs in order to control their ever-increasing family expenses.


Those women running their own businesses might have an opportunity to travel very soon. People working in partnership business companies might be relieved due to a lesser workload. Today is a good day for students to increase their efforts in their studies. If you are suffering from vertigo, you might have to take extra precautions as there might be aggravated symptoms.


Those young people who are working in government programs should follow the etiquette while speaking with elderly people. Those women who are working in play Schools should behave appropriately with children as they might be in an irritating mood today. People running their own businesses might have an encouraging environment in the home. Someone in the family might have skin disease-related symptoms today.


Those in a job should avoid being opinionated; otherwise, they might have to suffer heavy losses. Women active in social life might be in a peaceful mood today, and they will enjoy their increased reputation in society. Those sellers working in the unbranded gold and silver jewellery industry might have lesser than expected business profits today. Business people might refer to all the necessary documents before coming to a conclusion in their office.

Shravan –

Homemaker women might plan a family trip for next week. Today is a good day for those people who are seeking better job opportunities. Those people who are working as professors in private education institutions might plan to save money for the future. Those sketching and painters who are earning money through drawing illustrations and caricatures might have to face some impediments while working.


Those middle-aged people who earn money from computer typing might have to face pain and cramps in their wrists. Businessmen might take one more step towards resolving their personal legal matters. Those students who are appearing for competitive exams might get distracted today. Men who are working in the private sector might decide to buy a new vehicle today.


Those people who are working in the dairy products industry might enjoy progress in their work today. A good day for businessmen as they might move towards resolving a long-term dispute with their clients. Those people working in the tours and travel industry might have to be extra patient. Please do not get involved in any kind of dispute. Those young people in a job might fear a relationship breakup due to the rude behaviour of their partner.

Poorva Bhadrapada-

Those people working in multinational companies should work with extra focus today; only then will they be able to complete their targets on time. Women working as domestic help might experience sharp pain in their lower back and waist. Bachelor youth might receive a piece of bad news over the phone today. A possible dispute in the family of those running their own business.

Uttara Bhadrapada-

Those women working in the private sector should prepare themselves for the upcoming discussion with their boss with regard to their possible promotion. Those in a job should avoid consuming spicy, hot, or stale food to prevent acidity. Business people Might have to be extra careful while on a long-distance journey. Working mothers should put additional focus on their children’s upbringing. Those higher-ranking officers working in government programs might have to be extra careful as their opponents may try to take advantage of their weaknesses.


Couples working in jobs might think about the future of a particular family member. Today’s business travels might bring significant profits in the future for those who are running their own business. Young people might be in a romantic mood today. Those women in a job might be extra active on social media. On the other hand, those men in a job will focus on completing their office work on time instead of being on social media.

If you don’t know what your Nakshatra is, send us your details like name, place of birth and time of birth at info@chamundaswamiji.com  and we shall help you with it

Stay tuned. For astrological guidance, write to us at info@chamundaswamiji.com

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