What is the Importance of a Guru?
Guru Gobind Dono Khade, Kake Lagu Paay,
Balihari Guru Aapne Gobind Diyo Bataye – Sant Kabir
This beautiful musing by Sant Kabir translates to –
When my Guru (mentor/spiritual guide) and God are both standing in front of me, the mind often gets confused on whose feet should one touch first,
One should always touch their Guru’s feet first, because it is the Guru who shows us the way to the Divine.
But these are lines from a poet who existed over 6 centuries ago and one wonders if they still hold any truth. After all, times have changed, people have changed and so have the guides. So do Gurus still hold as much importance as they did then? Has it increased or decreased? Most importantly, how exactly does a Guru show us the way to the Divine and is that the only thing they do?
Then what about people who aren’t really interested in becoming one with the divine yet? Do they also need a Guru? And how can a Guru help them?
In this blog, we answer all these questions and more. We delve into the importance of a guru by exploring how they connect us with our past-life spiritual progress, guide us through mysterious ways, handhold us on our journey, and show us the way to the Divine.
In the realm of spiritual growth and self-discovery, the role of a Guru holds immense significance. A Guru, often referred to as a spiritual teacher or guide, plays a pivotal role in the lives of seekers who strive to connect with their inner selves and embark on a profound journey of enlightenment.
Let’s Start with the Past:
A Guru possesses profound spiritual insight and wisdom that surpasses ordinary human perception. All of us aren’t here for the first time. We have been in multiple lives before this birth and have many lives after as well. We all do some form of spiritual work and study in every life but sadly, our conscious minds forget the work we did. So in the next life, while we do carry our Karmas and may be blessed with an environment that encourages spiritual growth, we wouldn’t remember or know where to start.
Here, a Guru can connect us with our past-life spiritual progress, so we can simply start from where we left. Through their guidance, a Guru helps us tap into our latent spiritual potential, unraveling the layers of consciousness, and rekindling the spiritual flame from previous lifetimes. The Guru serves as a catalyst, igniting our spiritual evolution and aiding in their journey towards the divine.
Right Way/Mysterious Way?
Guru’s guidance comes in mysterious and subtle ways. With their ability to see beyond space, time, lifetimes and eternity, they know us inside and out. Because they can see through us, they know exactly the way in which we need to learn our lessons.
Anyone can translate a book or read out the text, but it is in the explanation and teaching that the entire difference lies. A Guru very subtly, mysteriously and effectively teaches us the lessons needed for our evolution. The example of Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid might help understand this better :).
Handholding, Really?
Yes, really. A Guru handholds the student through their spiritual journey. Every step of the way, every experience, every falter, every distraction, every challenge and every win, is with your Guru right by your side, guiding you, keeping you grounded and taking you further.
The spiritual journey is full of surprises, mysteries, unknown experiences and requires great discipline and dedication. With the help of a Guru, the journey becomes interesting, simpler and easier. We still cross the distance, but with the Guru to guide us, we don’t get lost and keep proceeding on our path.
Most Spiritual Masters and Guides have said this, when we are looking for our Gurus, they are looking for us too. They are just waiting for us to be ready to absorb and learn the wisdom they are about to impart to us. To be able to use the guidance they bestow upon us and walk ahead. Their hand is stretched and waiting for us, all we need to do is go and grab onto it. Thus, showing up for the spiritual journey.
So the Divine?
Meeting the divine, or becoming one with the divine is nothing much but self-realization. Understanding the divine within and opening our eyes to the connection we already have. It is the final leg of our spiritual journey and comes much later in life, or after lifetimes. So we don’t have to worry about that.
What we do need to think about right now is that we do meet our Guru and begin our journey with them, material success, spiritual ascension, great health, wealth, prosperity and everything we desire, everything our soul desires, will be within our reach. With our Guru’s guidance, we shall achieve all of these and understand the true meaning of spirituality.
Know that these are just the major, macro points a Guru’s grace brings in our lives. The minor things like crushing of ego, understanding the mysteries of the universe and positive transformation, along with many other benefits, shall be explained in detail in our upcoming blogs. Stay tuned.
For spiritual guidance, email us at info@chamundaswamiji.com
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